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Kennel Cough Part Of Vaccinations For Old Dogs


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A question on the Kennel Cough part of vaccinations for old dogs:

My 2 oldies (11 and 14, in breeds whose average life spans are 12-13 and 11-12 respectively) have had annual vaccinations for many years, changing to the 3 yearly vaccination protocol – plus nasal drops for Kennel Cough each year still – for the past 5 or so years. They did still get KC once from a Royal show years ago.

I am definitely not getting them vaccinated ever again, as feel they would be amply protected for life by now, but my question is whether I still need to do the KC nasal drops when they are due? They go off the property for walks daily, and very occasionally (a few times a year) come to a show with us. Their house-mates are 2 dogs who are shown weekly. So overall they could certainly be exposed to illnesses. I know KC is not life-threatening, but for an infirm 14 year old it could be really awful. I should add that I do not plan to board them, but would clearly get the KC prior to doing so if I need to.

If anyone knows whether the KC drops actually have a longer-lasting effect than 12 months, I would appreciate your feedback. My vet is very comfortable with them not having the vaccinations again, but recommends the KC be done annually as he says it doesn’t last longer than that.

Thank you

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My dog had the nose spray every year for 8 years for Kennel cough as we lived next door to a dog breeder; then the Vet talked me out of having it the last year saying it wasn't needed.

Another neighbour had visitors who brought their dog over and was at the fence barking at mine;soon after she got Kennel cough and died.

I always blame myself for not continuing with her full vaccinations that year and wonder if she would have lived longer if i had;but she was a short lived breed mix.

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Kennel Cough vaccine does not protect against all strains or the virus. It's the same as the Flu vaccine, you can still get the flu.

I've also been told (by an Australian vet) that, even for the strains it does cover, it does not confer a full year's immunity. She recommended vaccinating a few weeks or a month before going to a place/event where exposure was likely, and skipping the jab entirely if exposure was not likely.

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check out Dr Jean Dodds website... she is the guru for vaccinations.

There are approx 8 varieties of KC - of which our vaccine only covers 2 strains. Hence not uncommon for 'vaccinated' dogs to get KC....

The KC vaccination has an effective life of about 6 months or so. Hence an annual is not much benefit.

We don't vaccinate for KC - no point really - After all KC is not life threatening... we have had dogs for 40 years only ever had one bout of Kennel Cough....

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