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  1. Happy to report That after them both being upset at being separated that best thing to do was let them be together on our deck where I can keep an eye on them both and I have two very contented calm dogs again. My normally very energetic staffy is being very calm and careful with her best mate so pleased they are both relaxed and happy, thanks for the advice guys. : )
  2. Thank u, I will look into it if she is still struggling after a couple of days,
  3. Yonjuro what is an Adaptil collar and where would I get one? I tried bones and new chew toys for her while he was away and she wasn't interested at all.
  4. My lab recently had to gave surgery on a tumor, for the first two days he was gone my staffy really struggled lots of whinging chewing, I took her for extra long walks and let her inside with the family whenever we were home (she's an outdoor dog) and it seemed to calm her most of the time but I picked up our lab today and he has to be kept inside and away from her while he heals, I blocked off our deck so he can stay out with her but she has been crying and howling and chewing on the fence to get to him. She has never been without him and although she's always been high strung, this is new Behaviour how do I help her before she drives me and the neighbors nuts it's very distressing for both us and her, advice please!!!!
  5. I have been trying to make it more fun for him this week , much more enthusiasim in my voice and still gving him a lot of treats trying to make it worth it and I get what you mean by reducing the training time to, he is getting I just have to kepp working on it and not take it so seriously
  6. Thanks guys I am thinking now that it may be getting a bit boring for him and what I have gotten from you guys is I need to make it fun he is only 9 months old so he is doing well, I am getting frustrated which takes the fun out of it for both of us . I like this Idea I am sure he knows the drop command, he will do it as long as he thinks there is food the trainer at training had him going into a down about three times and then said you try, he wouldn't do it for me, she tried again and he went into down but the next time she tried he wouldn't. he flops all the time esspically for a belly rub. :D So I am gonna make it a bit more fun I think the sit down sit might work for him more of a game. Thank you all so much gonna try some of those things with him ASAP
  7. My lab and I are having an issue with down . We are in class one I would love to move him on to class two. He has a good recall, he walks beautifully on heel, has resonable automatic sits and stands, he can sit stay and down stay (if I get him into a down). BUT he won't go into down without a treat , I have tried varying the times he gets a treat but after one time without getting a treat he won't go down, unless he knows there is a treat in my hand (even then I don't always give him the treat) I even tried just having the smell of th treat on my hand but that only works once and then he won't do it again. As long as there is a treat there he will go down. No treat no down ;) . Has anyone got any tips for me? getting a bit frustrated
  8. Thanks very much for all the info !!, I priced some of the meats at our local butcher and we have a good chicken shop nearby to which has chicken necks and frames. I am going to start Rogue on BARF, I need alot more info on BARF and puppies before I can make the switch for Charlie because I read that the food portions can be different. Anyone fed there pups on a BARF deit?
  9. Thank you so much !! Would a butcher have all of those things?? Sounds like a fantastic way to feed you dogs, How easy are the chicken frames to chew through ? I have concerns about my Bulldog cause she enhales food Chicken wings are out for her I know she likes chicken necks , She loves big meaty bones and chews for hours and I am a bit concerned about her eating the pups food cause she is a piglet. I will try and get my hands on a BARF book. What veges do you feed? (sorry about all the questions just really curious)
  10. Excuse my ignorance, what is the difference??, I have only ever fed commercial foods so I am a complete novice at this. I don't want to feed mince, I read some stuff on the BARF diet which made me interested in it. I like the Idea of them getting meaty bones, fresh meat and some veges and also me knowing exactly what they are getting. I just want to make sure I am getting the right balance for both of them. I would love more info on it.
  11. I am curious about this too. I have a 5 month old Lab who is a ball of energy and without at least a 30 mins walk every morning he rips our yard to shreads (even with another dog to play with and playing fetch) we usally take him for a 30-40 min off lead walk with our other dog in the afternoon three times a week as well (Other dog does not require as much exercise and playing with him gives her plenty). I am always concerned that I am over exercising him in terms of joint problems but he never seems tierd or sore after a walk.
  12. HI everyone, I am more that sure that i would find in here some avid BARF people!, I have been feeding my to Dogs on Eukanuba Charlie on the Puppy formula and the Rogue on the Weight control food. OH recently bought a bunch of bones from the butcher ( more as a treat than as a meal) Anyway I had been giving them to them as a morning feed. And I have decided that BARF would definalty be a much cheaper and healthy way to feed me dogs IF I got the right information and was able to manage it properly for both of them. So I was hoping to get some advice about how it all works and recommendations for further reading from people who use BARF and your experiences with it. Thanks
  13. OMG thank you so much Harminee, I love it :D Thank you so much !!!!!:D wow off to attach it now thank you thank you!!
  14. You guys are so talented< i would so appriciate it if someone could make me a sig of my babies Please. Here are some pics of Charlie And Rogue Thanks
  15. they are sooo cute with all thier rolls personally I think they are the cutest puppies ever but I am a bit biased,
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