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  1. God no, they would be rather fat if I did that lol. They are just examples of good bones to feed. To tell you the truth, after a month or so I started mixing things around. I needed something like that to get me started and stop me worrying so much about it, but then I relaxed and realised that the basic idea is that the diet balances out over time. You would drive yourself batty if you tried to follow the schedule too closely. I also feed organs and fish as seperate meals. Some dogs cant handle organs on their own at first so I find it easier to mix it until they get used to the taste. I have this on my fridge: Every meal I write next to it what they had (c= chicken, f= fish, l= lamb, b=beef, k= kangaroo) so that I dont feed them chicken all week etc. I write breakfast on the left, dinner on the right, although they usually just get one meal as Im lazy so I write both the same time. Any extra stuff I added gets written down the bottom (e= egg, y= yoghurt). It is easy to keep track of what they have had this way and I dont double up too much. I get my meat from a guy near richmond racetrack in sydney. Great stuff, no preservatives- that is no exaggeration, even in a fridge it smells by that night, has to be portioned and frozen as soon as you get it home or the whole house smells. He minces it fresh every morning. I get bones from butchers and supermarkets mainly. There is a butcher at Minchinbury that will sell 2kg of lamb offcuts for $1. I get chicken stuff (necks, wings, frames, etc) from a place out at bonnyrigg. Its usually 5kg for $5. Butchers have ox tails, not sure about kangaroo tails though. I get them from petbarn (although my dogs rarely get them as they are expensive). Organs I usually get from the woolworths. They are already diced (which stops my cat dragging them through the house) and it is just easier. Some butchers will sell individual organs for about $1 each but Id rather just get it from the supermarket. Okay thankyou very much for all your help. That works out really conveniently for me My cousins live at Minchinbury And they visit very regularly. I'll be making a trip to Minchinbury to get those lamb off cuts and then to pick up some other Meats and Organs Before I pick up my rescue Staffy tomoroow. He can have a nice first meal now! Thankyou again.
  2. Wow! thankyou. Few questions, With Mondays bone meal Do you chuck all that stuff in? (chicken necks, wings, drumsticks; duck necks; turkey necks; lamb soup bones; kangaroo tails; ox tails; lamb flaps; ribs) Or are they just various options and combinations I can put in there. Would I be able to pick up Kangaroo tails and Ox tails from the local Butcher? Thankyou for the Extensive answer.
  3. Thank you for the tips, Yes, 5 does seem like alot! But in the batch of chicken necks I bought him they were really tiny! maybe 5-6cm going up and 3cm in girth so I bumped up the feeding a bit. And with "drumsticks" I meant to say Drumettes which are the really small ones. Yes, Now that you pointed it out it does seem like a bit too much fish :rolleyes: I'll see if I can swap some things around, His coat is nice and shiny now and has improved alot in condition with shedding and all. Thankyou again for your insight!
  4. mm. I'm adding Fish oil on the days that he doesn't get any natural Fish oil from the Sardines. That's about it I don't know much about BARF diets or RMD diets, I just made this myself without any extensive research. All the Veggies are home grown aswell, So it works well economically aswell
  5. Well, my old boy was very very fat weighed 27kg, Beagles Ideal weight is apparently around 11-14 kg But Then again my dog is 2 Inches taller then the Average beagle. He now weighs around 19kg is looking much more healthy and can walk longer distances. As for his energy level... He has it when he wants to, He spends most of his day sleeping or lying next to me, but when the lead comes out or the bowl goes on the floor ready to eat He has a lot of energy.
  6. Hi Guys I'm looking to make some changes to my dogs diet. Below is what I currently Feed him. Any changes/criticisms/tips are highly appreciated! Monday – Chopped Carrot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cabbage, 5 chicken necks, Boiled Egg mashed shell and all, 1 fish oil capsule. Tuesday – Chopped Carrot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cabbage, 1 ½ tin of sardines, 1 raw egg. Wednesday - Chopped Carrot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cabbage, 5 raw chicken drumsticks, Boiled Egg mashed shell and all, 1 fish oil capsule. Thursday - Chopped Carrot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cabbage, 5 chicken necks, Boiled Egg mashed shell and all, 1 fish oil capsule. Friday - Chopped Carrot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cabbage, 1 ½ tin of sardines, 1 raw egg. Saturday - Chopped Carrot, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Cabbage, 5 chicken necks, Boiled Egg mashed shell and all, 1 fish oil capsule. Sunday – Pasta, 2 tins of Sardines, 1 raw egg. Thank you
  7. Hi Jillybean, you only have to brush your beagle once or twice a week! Gee your lucky. My old boy sheds like crazy. I've never really been picky with brands, But My dad picked a brush up from the vets it has very fine metal combs which are very close and together. I usually brush him all over with that (throughly) And then once over again with a nice soft haired brush. Hope this helps. Ben.
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