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  1. i would also donate so this lady could keep her little dog , very sad situation , maybe once the circumstances have been confirmed a go fund me page could be set up ?
  2. a few years ago we had a photo comp where the pics would be put into a calendar , i know they were on redbubble but i cant seem to find them for sale , looking for the Mutts and Mongrels calendar .
  3. came across this video and had to share , to funny not to lol http://www.maniacworld.com/which-is-the-guilty-dog.html
  4. im with Rebanne ) can defiantly see a lot of greyhound
  5. my brother and his girlfriend are wanting to got a photo of their dog with Santa , does any one know of where they can get this done in the Newcastle area ? they missed the Jesmond one .
  6. if you go into photos than at the top there is a sticky for signatures if you want one made . http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...&start=4410
  7. Nope is purely synthetic cow! ;) You are half right with dog -will find better pick where she's got hair. she looks a fare bit like my boy cisco so i will say jrt x silky ;)
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