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  1. All Paws Paradise at Pimpama :) Also hosting Fred Helfers from the US for Nosework seminars at the beginning of October.
  2. Little Gifts there are two places in Brisbane teaching Nosework as well as a round of seminars & workshops with Fred Helfers from the US to be held in Brisbane in October as well as the second Queensland ORT. My dog's have both been doing it for years and passed the ORT held in QLD last year :)
  3. I much prefer the Chillybuddy Cooling jacket to other mesh coats. Can't go past their design and the research that has gone into themo. Chillybuddy coats have a second layer as well of a light cotton mesh as well which holds the water when used wet. Love them!
  4. I have one of these. I do not recommend. It does not stay wet for very long at all ! I personally love the chillybuddy coats, but they are from the US and the dollar is terrible. I do sell the Chillybuddy jackets here in Australia, post is in the commercial marketplace in OT After testing a variety of cool coats I couldn't fault the Chillybuddy Jackets, the fact the reflect the sun whilst evaporative cooling is occurring makes a huge difference. I also use the gel cool mats with my dogs which help in summer
  5. I've always found them a great company to deal with the hardest decision has been picking covers, I don't do well when given multiple options :)
  6. Henry Hottie beds are fantastic, Australian made and owned too as an added bonus. I have two of them and my dogs will choose their HH beds over all other beds/couches.
  7. What timing for this thread to get bumped up, the last two weekends our new flyball club competed in their first and second flyball competitions. All the dogs in the team excelled themselves and the people in the club are just such fun and will step in and help wherever it's needed. We have set a club PB of 19.959 seconds and I look forwards to working as a team to beat this in future competitions. Here is a video of one of races from Saturday, we are the team in the left lane in the purple and yellow :)
  8. Get our brand new Flyball club up & running and competing in our first competition before the end of the year :)
  9. If you are going to have a look at feeding some raw in the diet I highly recommend heading to Instincto located at Capalaba They have a great range and their prices are very good :)
  10. A Venus fly trap plant and a few weeks later followed it up with an entire chilli plant with a large number of chillies on it. Hasn't eaten another plant since :)
  11. Portuguese Podengo Pequeno, I only asked about fifty times before I could remember :)
  12. I met one of his littermates today :) so cute
  13. Meals for Mutts is a hit in my household, pretty sure they will send out samples too
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