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Posts posted by MadWoofter

  1. My parents would love another dog in their life (the last one died a few years ago now), but while they are physically & mentally able to look after a dog, they can't afford expensive vet bills and so won't get one.


    I was wondering if there are any rescue groups that have "legacy dogs" or similar.  Something like where someone leaves money in their will for the continued care of their pet.


    I think that would suit them perfectly - the parentals get a dog, the dog gets a wonderful home, and my parents don't have to stress about potential vet bills (they can cope with food & stuff).


    Any ideas? 


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  2. Another apoquel user here.  My vet is fabulous, and we tried everything, did skin tests, did food elimination diets & nothing conclusive as an 'allergy' came up, although we eliminated food as an issue so it has to be environmental.


    The apoquel really helps, but I also have to keep him shaved (he's a Chinese Crested) and regularly bathed - any slip on my behalf & his itchies get worse.   

  3. So sorry to hear this TC.  I felt & saw Fleming for a long time afterwards, and yep, I have the guilts for both of mine. Was it too early?  Was it too late?  Were they in pain & I didn't know?  It's a terrible thing.


    Easier to say than do, but don't beat yourself up too much.  Know that he was well loved, and you did the right thing by him.


    Sending hugs 

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