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Everything posted by ncarter

  1. and this comes under the companion animals act 1998 doesnt it? how do you rate this act compared to the dog acts in other states?
  2. right but isnt the nsw dog limit more dependant on council rules?
  3. Hopefully this hasnt been done before. I know it may vary from council to council. But I was wondering which state do people find the most dog friendly. Im thinking in terms of people who want to own multiple dogs, facilities, access to public areas, local/state legislation etc. If you could provide reasoning for your choice that would be good.
  4. well done RS, what course are you doing RS and which uni? I miss uni, gotta go back next year, i think i have forgotten how to reference arrrrggghhhh
  5. There is already a surplus of Huskies with stable temperaments needing rehoming, why bother rehoming a proven killer? so it can kill some more small animals?
  6. atherton is a crap hole, only worse place around there is mareeba so not surprised really
  7. im pretty appalled by all this. sumosmum, can you tell me how many of the 20 criteria in the checklist do they have to tick off before they can deem the dog is a pit bull or pit bull X? And VCAT is funded by the taxpayer right? How many cases and how much money is all this going to cost? Must be a political stunt, all this rubbish.
  8. Thats bad news CC. How old is daisy now?
  9. Thanks Ness :) Think its about 1000 more per knee but will have to ask again because that was for different surgery
  10. yeh i think they cut a wedge of bone under the patella ligamant and then move the bone and ligament across and attach it in the correct position. Ive heard some people doing the surgery on both legs at once on small dogs which i would of prefered to do except I dont think the dog could walk at all afterwards which makes recovery harder. And not very nice for the dog if you cant be there when they need toilet and they just have to go themselves when they are lying in a crate.
  11. Thanks, hey do you know a good source for technical information relation to knee surgery in dogs? I want to at least get the worser knee done this year and maybe see how the grade 2 one goes long term. I think this surgery is a fair bit more complicated than just having the trocheal deepening surgery so not sure whether to have it done at the specialist or my usual vet, i would definitely have it done at the specialist if the cost wasnt considerably more.
  12. He said the tendons/ligaments connecting the patella to the tibia are misaligned and pulling the patella out of place medially. One knee is grade 2 and the other grade 3. I would need the tibial tuberosity relocation and lateral capsular imbrication surgery (which i think is basically re-alligning the joint and then stabilising it) but its not urgent he says as he couldnt see a disability when walking and mont has learnt to cope with it. This is a bit different to the other vet saying both knees were grade 3 and he needed deepening trocheoplasty ASAP.
  13. Hi Rosie, good to see you at the specialists. Dr Gibson was great. We did some up and downs and circles in the carpark :laugh: Need to start saving hey. Im still going through all the technical surgical jargon
  14. Hope she has a safe trip huski, i wish you could still take them in the terminal at most airports (would be much easier). I find the whole flying across the country thing stressful. Dropping them off 90 minutes early, then flights are nearly always late, then collecting your baggage, then finding the freight building. The dog normally has to spend a good 8 hours in the crate.
  15. You meet some strange characters in Sydney. Ive met a few who had families and successful careers etc and then one day just decided that they wanted live the itinerant/frugal lifestyle (still with several hundred thousand in the bank). Homeless people are actually pretty well off in Australia i think, most can still access centrelink benefits, its a mild climate etc, i just hate wankers who give them a hard time for no reason.
  16. what a horrible thing to happen to that little girl. I bet now some people will call for a Bull Arab amnesty, can you imagine that?? Lets see them draw up the 'breed characteristics' and identification booklet for the animal control people
  17. thankyou, might have to get some. Can you let me know if you have any trouble getting it through customs?
  18. hey where do you guys buy your dog meat/bones from? anyone know any good butchers or specialty shops? Have found about 10 months ago they stopped having any doggy chicken products in the deli at major supermarkets. At most coles you can only buy chicken necks, wings and some scrappy off cuts. At Woolies ive seen turkey necks,chicken wing tips, wings, frames and some pretty lean brisket bones. Both supermarkets are pretty expensive and the prices are always going up. Have seen some bags of 3 or 4 chicken frames at Lenard's for $1 each
  19. Congratulations ST! How exciting, Quite a lot of maternal activity around your place lately?
  20. which ebay seller did you get yours from RiverStar-Aura?
  21. so which patella did she have done ness? and was it caused by an injury? seems like it would be a bit rarer to only need one done
  22. i asked my vet for a referral to the place MG suggested. Anyway the vet gets back to me and suggests they can get their own specialist in and can do the surgery for cheaper than they originally quoted and that the specialist would charge a lot more. My vet also said she would be reluctant to do both knees at the same time as the pain would be pretty bad and my dog wouldnt be able to walk at all. From some of the research ive read i thought most toy breeds could cope with having both done at the same time. So im still undecided, i might just get the referral anyway so i can have a good chat with the specialist. Am not totally convinced that the patellas couldnt be managed conservatively with weight loss, alternative therapy and less strenuous exercise.
  23. i bought an $8 scaler from sway and that does the job, you just have to get the dog used to it. I also had them cleaned under GA not because they really needed it but because she was going to have a deciduous tooth removed anyway. Then about 5 months later i get the vet telling me i should put her on Royal Canin special tartar/plague removing food. Honestly if you can manage to brush them once a week with a childs toothbrush or finger-brush and use the scaler once a month to get rid of the harder build up it shouldnt be a problem. The less you brush the harder it tends to be to get the plague off
  24. how has everyone been? had a well known radio hosts, GSD puppy rush up at stella tonight. I sensed the dog might try to chase, so grabbed stella and called him to call the dog away and he just looked at me like i was silly/overprotective. And then he trots out the oh havent our dogs met, he is harmless line. Next minute his dog has a go at another dog. Im glad it wasnt worse :)
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