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Dory the Doted One

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Posts posted by Dory the Doted One

  1. It's a bit of a shame that a dog that gets a title in obedience/herding etc doesn't get more of an exemption from councils. Especially as they like to bang on about responsible ownership. I would figure that's a greater gauge than desexing status.

    I know there is some discount, but it's a bit pathetic on its own.

  2. I don't have any cows, nor plan on having any in the near future. So that side of their original purpose is not a requirement for me. We did give herding a crack, but as I'm much more interested in doing IPO with Willow we found that some of the things we want for that, aren't conducive to sheep work at this time. Perhaps at a future time when she's a bit older, who knows.

    Now considering I love doing IPO, temperament is important...but considering the number of breeders of Rottweilers in Australia who test their dogs on the field is a very, very, very small minority (can't think of any off the top of my head), I have to make do with what I can. And while yes, there are breeders that import dogs with parents that have titles or use semen from dogs with titles, it's a next best thing scenario.

    Haven't had to go against any of her natural drives or instincts to do any of the activities we've tried so far. And don't anticipate that I will have to, unless you count holding off on slobbering all over the adoring fans until you've done your days work that is.

  3. We are still doing tracking, mostly on ovals to avoid grass seeds and other summer time perils (ants...grrrr....ants). We are starting to get good article indication with Willow!!! And considering she has had quite a large break from training lately, I was pretty pleased with her last track.. Even if she did indicate the corners by dropping...hey...at least she's thinking it through!!! :thumbsup:

    Dory still charges through it all, doesn't want to stop even when she gets to the end. :laugh:

  4. 1 hammock bed, 2 pillow type beds and 2 crates. Dory has nicer blankets in her crate because she doesn't shred things. Willow gets old towels... She shreds things.

    Despite this both dogs seem to prefer the unadorned floor. And occasionally the couch, usually when they want something and they are being cuddly.

    I would love to buy more beds, but I choke at the prices for items the dogs clearly won't use.

  5. I've felt like that about dogs before, I found once we started doing fun stuff together, such as training that it helped the bond.

    And yes, not comparing them to previous dogs. It's okay to miss those dogs, but part of the fun of new puppies is the individuality they bring and the new stuff we can learn from them. At least that's what I love about it.

  6. I've got lockable cages in the back of my car, and I'm still not game enough to leave the back up. People are serious idiots, and we've had instances where people have tried to put their hands in the car to pat the dogs. In one case they tried to push us out of the way to do so!!! :eek: We told them one of them could be a bit protective, don't pat. (Yeah...and it ain't the Rottweiler :laugh: ).

    I live in fear. Cos I know Dory would definitely bite someone's hand if they poked it in there. And I'm not 100% sure of Willow if I'm not there.

    As for Bunnings, well I don't even take them into the petshops unless I'm fitting them for a coat and even then we just measure the dogs and do it that way. I think it's a nice idea for those occasions where you're caught out on a hot day. But otherwise I'd prefer to keep the dogs in the car...or at home.

    I'm not really interested in the fault factor either. I cry for the fact that common sense seems to be truly dead. :cry:

    Dory - check out vent locks from Clean Run. You can lock the rear door half open - they are brilliant and I use mine all the time.

    Will do! Seems so pointless having dog cages when you don't feel safe leaving the car open for them.

  7. I've got lockable cages in the back of my car, and I'm still not game enough to leave the back up. People are serious idiots, and we've had instances where people have tried to put their hands in the car to pat the dogs. In one case they tried to push us out of the way to do so!!! :eek: We told them one of them could be a bit protective, don't pat. (Yeah...and it ain't the Rottweiler :laugh: ).

    I live in fear. Cos I know Dory would definitely bite someone's hand if they poked it in there. And I'm not 100% sure of Willow if I'm not there.

    As for Bunnings, well I don't even take them into the petshops unless I'm fitting them for a coat and even then we just measure the dogs and do it that way. I think it's a nice idea for those occasions where you're caught out on a hot day. But otherwise I'd prefer to keep the dogs in the car...or at home.

    I'm not really interested in the fault factor either. I cry for the fact that common sense seems to be truly dead. :cry:

  8. I think cost can be a bit prohibitive when you start adding up all the membership fees for various clubs and activities. I would imagine people scale clubs by benefit.

    I would have at least 4 clubs I'd love to join if not joined. And that's just the priority ones.

  9. I don't think dogs can be naughty.

    When I look at Willow's 'naughty' behaviour all I see is a bor d dog who had found something rewarding. Or a dog that had learnt to up the ante to achieve a desired outcome.

    Some of that can look like naughty behaviour, it can certainly be very annoying and inconvenient. We've not consciously punished her. We just put stuff out of the way, put appropriate stuff in the way or redirected the behaviour.

    I love watching her problem solving and her efforts to manipulate her environment. :)

  10. What do you think is a fair price, fabel? Not being bitchy, I'm honestly quite curious.

    Whenever someone thinks something is too expensive, my first thought is...well how much do you think it's worth?

    Do you think that if a litter is small, the puppies should have a higher purchase price?

  11. Before being a vet nurse, I would still insist on holding up the vein for my pets. It is the best, last cuddle position. I was lucky to have vets that knew I could handle and how much my pets meant to me.

    The ones I find the hardest are the literal dump and runs. They've left it till the animal is in a borderline cruelty state. But other than that it doesn't faze me. I try to be the best comfort to the animal I can, and so does my boss.

  12. I think maybe I'm the only one who doesn't do this! :laugh: Lili has a pink striped collar, purple harness and pink and aqua lead, Mo has a red studded collar and a red harness but I didn't do it on purpose, his lead is brown.

    I don't either, everyone wears whatever appealis to me at the time.

    I don't either. It comes in either Lge or Med. lol That's as fancy as it gets.

  13. The Cynic in me wonders whether the real rescue was the puppies, Mum is just a By Product. Her job is done, now time to ditch her quick.

    Hi there, Liz from Belgian Shepherd Rescue here. Actually the main focus of the rescue was the mothers. Unfortunately the only real evidence I have is Facebook messages to my team whereby I say, "I want the puppies out of there but i am more worried about the adults as they'll just be bred from again regardless". Unfortunately other than screen grabs and copy+pasting I won't be giving out my Facebook password any time to prove that!

    You'll either have to take my word for it or like you say, be a cynic and choose not to believe me. Either way, they're all out of that environment which is the absolute best outcome we could have worked towards.

    I'm not that much of a cynic. More than happy to be corrected. Thank you for the clarification.

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