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Posts posted by Riley James
Yep one lady dos here ask for business card
And took a photo of the card produced it had muhammed and a phone number that wasn't Australian.
She has posted that on FB too
Reports of people trying to access houses by saying they're fitting down lights for a Goverment initiative only when asked for ID they either get aggressive or they leave.
There are photos of the vehicle these people are driving are now circulating FB in the local areas
Warrnambool Terang and Port Fairy.
Let's hope they catch these scumbags
Well it's been a while since anyone was in here
Thought I'd do a quick check in
Jess. I'm pretty sure I saw you last night at Harris street training your dogs. (I heard you call one of your dogs Darcy so was a bit of a give away along with the signage on your vehicle lol)
I was up there with a ridgeback puppy doing some show training.
Looked like you were havin fun.
The Warrnambool dog show is on next weekend and is Asha my pups debut.
Could be interesting. ROFL
What is everyone else up to these days ?
Cheers Janet
Quite simply why set up the dog to fail.
One small nip and it's all the dogs fault.
When in fact that's so far from the truth.
Yes beautifully tempered dog but everyone and everything has its breaking point.
And it's not as if the child was being gentle.
I'd be pretty peeved if ANYONE did that to any of my dogs.
Wow there are some seriously cute puppy dogs out there.
Not sure how you all manage to get them to sit still with all their costumes on tho lol
ThanKS guys,
I ordered a lfine eather slip from good old eBay and its arrived.
I tried it on her today and she didn't seem to mind it.
So will see how it goes at her first show and take it from there.
Cheers Janet
Ridgeback girl
Not great as the brat wouldn't sit still and more interest in eating the headband than wearing it lol
Cheers Janet
Ok guys I have a question for you in the know.
My girl has her first show in Jan.
What do I show her in flat collar snake chain martingale ect.
She is only a baby but a big baby
Introducing Asha
Our new Rhodesian Ridgeback girl
Cheers Janet
Perhaps not my next dog
But my bucket list dog is a Bernese Mountain Dog.
I'm hoping it won't be a while tho as we have only had our newest family member for nearly 2 weeks.
And our oldest is only 6.
And I think I will always want a ridgie around.
Introducing Asha.
The latest member of the gang.
So far I'm totally
Thanks Roova.
We are all so so excited.
Car is packed with everything she may need for her trip home.
And we leave in 20 minutes ????
One more sleep until we pick up our new girl.
We are all very excited.
It will be a huge day for the girl with a 2 hour car trip to the airport 2 hour flight then another 3.5 hour drive to her new home.
Hope she sleeps lots lol.
We are about to get our first girl.
We have two boys one entire one desexed.
Have to say as far as I can recall neither has shown his lipstick.
Our entire male is a ummm big boy (let's say if he was human I think he would be rather proud).
I've never actually thought about either of the boys bits when I give them a belly rub or a hug any more than I think about my sons boy bits when I give him a belly rub. Hahahaha joking when I give him a hug.
It's just not something that has ever crossed my mind but then maybe that's because our household is an all male household apart from me.
2 male dogs
2 male cats
2 male humans
And me and the new girl we pick up tomorrow.
All the boys except the husband all all sooks.
So will be interesting to see what the new girl is like.
Oh that's so sad.
He made me laugh more times that I can recall.
RIP over the bridge little Ralph.
Also look into your house Insurance and see if it's covered.
You may get new carpet compliments of your insurance policy (will depend on your policy)
I'd look into getting the stuff that mechanics use to sop up the oil in garages.
Hope Puck is ok
Hope Feather is doing great today and back to herself
We use a dog containment system for our JR.
But as a smaller pup he was contained within a puppy pen and a long lead when out of the pen
He was a little younger than recommended when we started to use the system, as one day he saw some cows and ran through the fence onto a very busy highway.
Lucky for us a person driving saw him about 800 metres away and started tooting their horn at him which gave him such a fright he Scaddattled straight back to us.
Make sure you do the training recommended and you will find your pup will pick it up incredibly quickly.
Our boy took about 1.5 days of training and he "Got it"
Even now without his collar on he stays away from the fence line.
Ours is a solar unit so can be placed anywhere on the property and runs around our whole 7 acres.
Money well spent in my opinion you can't put a value on your dogs life.
Cheers Janet
Edited to add we will getting a new pup next week and have once again set up the puppy pen beside the house for her to be in until she is big enough to go into her dog run
We had to wait until out boy was close to 9 months old to get his main register papers.
Which made life difficult as we wanted to show him and by the time he got in the ring he was just not interested (crawled around the ring on his belly oops)
She knew he was to be shown
The breeder was just slack.
No other reason.
And when the papers did arrive she hadn't signed them.
So here we are 6 years later with him still in her name.
Almost a month ago I sent them back to her to sign and followed up,with text message lst week.
She said "oh yeah it's on my desk I should send them back "
So sometimes people are just slack or unorganised.
So please do yourself a favour a ring your breeder until you get an answer.
Def ring dogsnsw.
When I got my Ridgie boy he was on main register and I planned on showing.
The breeder was such an unorganised person that it took her till my boy was almost 9 months old to send his papers.
And even then she had forgotten to sign them !!!
So by the time I got him in the ring he just hated it being a bit older it was just too hard.
It can be incredibly frustrating.
Cheers Janet
OMG that's gorgeous.
Awwww the poor boy
Sending good thoughts and hugs your way.
Hoping for a positive report when you pick him up.
Dog Pen Vs Free Range Puppy
in Puppy Chat
I live on acreage so it's prob a fair bit different
But we have a puppy pen up near the house for when pups first come home (we have Ridgebacks also)
With crate training at night until they are a little older
Then when a few months have passed they get moved down to the dog runs.
I like them to learn to be confident when alone and not to have to rely on the other dogs to be happy.
They're allowed out to free range when we are home so we can keep an eye on them and make sure they're safe and not into mischief.
And being locked up when we are not home stops anyone accusing them of chasing livestock when we are out.
We know they're safe and sound when we are gone.
Our latest puppy (ridgeback bitch) also has a crate as her bed in her she'd in her dog run
She loves her crate and when I take her to shows it's no hassle crating her when needed as she is used to it.
And out of the 7 acres we live on the 3 dogs spend most time when out of the run lying at the back door near where we are.
Good luck with your new family member
Cheers Janet