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Everything posted by mokhahouse

  1. Just got back from Mokha vet today, just a check up after his bowel blockage last week and my vet pointed out to me that Mokha has two molars on the top that have grown in reversed. It is the same tooth on each side that has the inside of the molar facing the outside and the outside facing in. She says that it can cause things to get stuck but it appears he has a good amount of space between the teeth so it should be ok. Weird they have never mentioned it to me before but I am wondering how common this is. He is of course a puppy shop bought dog so nothing surprises me.Yes I know better now. ED, HD,allergies and now reversed teeth. Has anyone had a dog with this?
  2. Sending all my well wishes to Diesel that his tumor has not returned. You have moved heaven and earth for this dog and it would be so unfair for it to return. Give him a big hug for me.
  3. Thanks Wassat Xolo for your warm wishes for Mokha. Vet said today he had a lucky escape this time.Thankfully my labs have never bothered with the rubbish bin, I keep it up high. Mokha seems to have a taste for thing non edible. Why eat food scraps when you can chew a peg or hairbrush etc.
  4. Wazzat Xolo that is one frightening story. Mokha seems to be back to his normal self and I have my fingers crossed that all is well now. I am exhausted from checking on him every other minute to make sure he isnt up to no good. Mokha lost nearly a kilo in 24 hours from when he was first weighed at the vet. I don't know how much in total as he hadnt been weighed for about 7 weeks and has grown again.I hope you enjoyed that chicken dinner, it certainly cost you a lot.
  5. Looks like we may have found the offending blockage with Mokha. Both dogs ran outside and pooped before I had a chance to see which one pooped where. There was a poop(sorry about the graphic description) very hard, with a hair tie in it and lots of Mollys fur tangled around it. Now Mokha licks Molly around the ears on a regular basis so I am thinking this came from him. Will be having stern words with my oldest daughter, owner of the hairtie when she gets back tomorrow. I hope this was it and from now on its all OK.
  6. Mokha used to wake up around 5am mostly because he couldnt hold his bladder any longer and my husband would let him out as he left for work. Since we have both dogs sleeping together now in the same room they both sleep until 8 or 8.30 am even though all the showers etc are happening before then. They are 14 and 21 months now though.They usually fall asleep around 8.30 in the lounge and we put them to bed at 10.30.When Mokha was that young he went to bed around 9 as well. I expect when it is warmer and light earlier they may get up earlier.
  7. I have grown kids and they have learnt the hard way about leaving things lying around. They know Mokha loves a sock or shoe or under wear(his favourite) and if they leave it lying where he can get it its there own fault. We have a baby gate on the laundry so I can safely put on the washing(also front loader) but these days they have both learnt to leave it alone while I load the machine. Teach leave or drop it and don't chase the pup to get it back. We used to do this and it just made it into a game. I stand still and call Mokha back to me and most of the time he brings it back because I say "Good boy" he loves that or sometimes he gets a treat if he comes straight back.
  8. Has there been a change in Eagle Pack formulas? I would vote for Eagle Pack, Artemis or it would be great to buy Natura products in Australia not from a certain well known puppy selling franchise.
  9. I will be happy when he has pooped enough for me to relax. I understand that there could still be a problem but I am confident that my vet would not send him home if it was not safe. Mokha had 3 vets all up watching over him, they love him there as he is a good patient. He is so much more his normal self today. Playing, kept his breakfast down and generally looking good. The comparison to a couple of days ago is huge. If he has any setbacks of course they want him straight back in there. It does worry me that there could be a partial blockage still but I suppose we will deal with that if it becomes evident. I am not a person to wait and see for too long or not go to the vet because it might cost a lot so if I am worried at all its straight back. Thanks for all the info and support, its been great.
  10. Update.... Mokha has had a bowel movement, small maybe 2 table spoons full but this is good. He has been allowed to come home and be monitored closely by us. I am watching his every move.
  11. I have hypothyroidism myself and the difference I felt after going on meds was like comparing night and day. I hope your pooch is back to his normal self really soon.
  12. The barium balls have moved into the bowel which is good news awaiting a call from the head vet as to what happens next. Fingers crossed we may avoid surgery yet.ETA Thanks for the good outcome stories, it has certainly given me a more positive outlook on this sort of situation.
  13. I am in the SE, is Charles Kuntz a bowel specialist? I have heard of him but don't remember where from. I may be needing specialist referral so thanks for the tip.I will take his name with me when I stop in at the vets tomorrow morning.
  14. Mokha was admitted to the vets today as he has been unable to keep any food down for three days.He would regurgitate it straight back up. Xrays revealed no esophagus (sp?) blockage however xrays revealed a stomach quite full with food, though he hasnt eaten in days. They gave him something that shows passage through the bowels under xray and 6 hours later no movement of any large glowing pieces at all and only minimal movement of small pieces. If no movement into the bowel by tomorrow they probably be opening him up for exploratory surgery. It is only 7 weeks since his ED surgery and now this. I am worried but he is in good spirits and I am hoping for things to move by morning. Has anyone had any experience with this. There is no obvious blockage viewable in xray so I suppose this rules out swallowing a peg or such things.
  15. No pictures of the mud roll but my ute still smells like stinky mud. I don't know what was in that mud but it was bad. I felt so bad because Mokha hates a bath, funny for a labrador, and I had to give him one when we got home and spoil his day. I am glad Hugo is laid back kinda dog because if he does need surgery it will help with his recovery if he will rest. His surgery has gone really well and he doesnt limp any more and I am sure now he walks more normally it will be better for his back and hips. Please keep us updated on Hugo, I really feel for you, it is such a worrying time. Give him a big hug from me. :p ETA Good idea to right down your questions, my surgeon laughed at my list but answered every one. That way you wont forget any.
  16. I am sorry to hear about Hugos diagnosis. I have a labrador, one year old with hip and elbow dysplasia. We had his elbow operated on and were looking at doing TPO on his hips. His surgeon decided against this, even though his pennhip scores were bad he is doing well with his hips and recent xrays showed no arthritis yet. We are fully prepared that his left hip is probably going to require a hip replacement one day. I would say in a dog of your size this would be the most likely option but does come with a big price tag. I am sad that Mokha will probably not have the life I had imagined. I set up a care credit account so we can pay for whatever he needs and then claim it from our insurance. If you have not got insurance since he is diagnosed it is too late and will be considered pre existing. I am really sorry that you are facing the things we are. It has been so stressful and heartbreaking to have to leave him home when our other lab gets to do things he cant.I just took him out for a short off lead frolic in the grass at the park for the first time in 7 weeks and he rolled in the mud. He was so happy to have some freedom.Good luck with your visit with the surgeon. My only suggestion would be dont make hasty decisions, it can be overwhelming when they explain things. Take a little time to process it all.
  17. Great news that she is doing so well. I can only imagine how stressful this has been for you. When you see owners like you who will go to such lengths to save your pooch its makes it even harder to understand those who just dump theirs on the streets and in shelters. She is very lucky to have you.
  18. Check out your local IGA supermarket, our stocks chicken frames at 99cents 2 or 3 of them
  19. I regularly feed sardines to my labs and usually they dont smell afterwards. Maybe it is because labs are notorious for gobbling their food.A bit of stinky fish breath is a good trade of for a healthy happy dog anyway.Maybe she had some stuck in her teeth.
  20. To give you some hope when Mokha was that age he woke up at 5am everyday. We would let him out to pee and then he would just play in the family room while we slept a little longer. Then by the time we were up he was napping. At about 8 months he started to sleep until about 7am still going to sleep at night the same time. Now at 1 year old he sleeps until 8 or 8.30. It is wonderful. Molly is so good doesnt matter if she is awake she will just wait quietly until you wake up and let her out but she is 20 months old now.
  21. Some foods that you should not give your pup include grapes, chocolate,raw potato skin or green potatoes, macadamia nuts and onions. I am sure there are more just cant think of them. I would suggest not varying the pups diet in the early days when you bring him home. Feed what your breeder recommends and let him settle in.My labs are 1 and nearly 2 years old and enjoy kibble, I feed Eagle pack and California natural to the one with allergies. They also enjoy apples, pumpkin. sweet potato, carrot, raw and cooked chicken(but never cooked bones)lamb, raw meaty bones, sardines are a favourite and honestly they would probably eat anything I gave them including celery. Labs are usually not hard to get to eat a varied diet. Just introduce new foods slowly, not a whole variety at once so there stomachs can get used to new foods. Keep it simple to start with and follow your breeders advice.Good luck with your new pup. I hope everything goes well. A lab puppy is a lot of fun, a lot of work but worth it. I adore my two.
  22. If the puppy is to be alone all day where will it be. I would not suggest a pup be left on its own in the yard and it wont be able to hold its bladder at 8 weeks all day. Is there someone who could drop in check on the pup and give it lunch. I have two labradors and they do need supervision especially in the yard because they will eat anything and everything. Lab pups are a lot of hard work, worth it but I am worried about the pup being alone all day.Will either of you be able to take some time off work to settle the pup into its new routine.
  23. I use Natures Gift too. I like that the puppy version does not have a whole mess of ingredients. I only add a tablespoon at night that I mix their glucosamine supplement in with.
  24. I am the owner of two labs and in fact I have trouble keeping the weight on them. They are both lean and fit.They are both trained and exercised daily and have access to the yard to play so when they are indoors they are either asleep or loving you. IMO they are a fantastic breed and are so devoted and willing to learn. I am not going to bash any ones elses choice of breed,everyone is looking for something different in their dogs. I am a labrador and collie person. I get exactly what I expected from my two labs.
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