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Everything posted by kitkatswing

  1. Sorry for bad quality. But after last years attempt and the look of absolute disgust on his face, I wont be doing this again to Maui :)
  2. Im loving all the happy smiling doggies!!!! Heres my contribution :) AS a puppy :) Heres a two for one smile :) One of my favourite photos.
  3. I dont want a bath!!!! (he was black before this) NOT HAPPY MUM... Get this thing off me...
  4. persephone: I thought that to start with, but its only every 3rd/4th poo thats weird, the rest are normal. When we got home from dance class (that we teach) he was his usual maniac self, happy for us to be home... VAN: Thank you, I have replied! Ill keep you informed as to how he is going.. Unfortunately we are in Hoppers Crossing (West of Melbourne) so not too close. Thank you for the offer of the call though, we will see how he is the next couple of days.
  5. Donatella: the rolls are the only thing I can use the prize on. Thanks ladies, I will take him off it for a couple of days, fed him rice and chicken tonight. If he perks up in a couple of days ill know it was the food and try to introduce it very slowly back to him. We also noticed he is not his normal self, he will play happily and then sleep for ages.. Will see how he goes, I just want my boy to be happy and healthy..
  6. We have recently switched Maui to Vets All Natural (Superior choice dog roll), as in, started feeding him that once a day from last Wednesday. Since then his poos have been either solid, or very runny, one yesterday was like a clear liquid!! He has vomited twice (today and last Friday).. Im not sure if this could be due to the change of his diet??? Next step will be the Vets of course....
  7. Maui when he was 8 weeks old :) About 5 months old. Big dog now :) All grown up
  8. Shes so proud to have found it too!! :) Im an expert at teaching Maui NOT to dig in the garden...
  9. So when can we move in????? :)
  10. Picked up our first load of dog rolls yesterdat :) The fridge has a shelf now just for Maui. Gave him some for his dinner last night, he wolfed it down and licked the bowl for more. :) So far so good, he really enjoyed it.
  11. A whila ago through PAcers I won a week stay at the BFHR.. We went last week. I absolutly love the place, we stayed in a delux cabin, which was spotlessly clean! The off leash areas were a blast, Maui loved the agility stuff. These are a few photos taken just to show how beautiful it is in the Tarra Valley. This was across the road, such a serene place. You can see the cabin we stayed in (thats our van)
  12. Just adorable!! I have always wanted a beagle :)
  13. Thanks :) She is calling me back after next week ( I am away) to organise the details, she said I can spread it out over months if I want! I think I may get the superior dog rolls. Lets hope Maui likes them! He has just won food for himself for a long time!!!
  14. So, I have $800 to spend on Dr Bruces Vets all Natural food products!!! Just received a call and I won a competition :) Does anyone else here use this and what would the recomend?
  15. Just the one. Thankfully we have a king size bed... Who knew a 10kg Jack Russell could take over an entire bed!!! He usually sleeps on his bed until 4am, then jumps up and goes under the doona (after giving me the "wake up mum!" stares)and sleeps near our feet. (Usually his head on my foot)... But this can cause him problems, I have lost count the amount of times I have kicked him!
  16. You know that time, when they do something little or big and it melts your heart and makes you smile so wide?? What has your dog done to cause this for you??? For me, it was when I sneezed 4 times in a row in the lounge room, I then heard the thundering (10kgs worth) of Maui come running from where ever he was to jump all over me with great concern in his eyes. He must of thought I was dying! It was just too cute :)
  17. Watching thread with intent! (I have the same Q!) :)
  18. That happened to my dog too, well, he didnt choke but squicked the "crackle" part after about 15 minutes and it came out through the rubber...
  19. Leave a "flaming bag of dog poop" on their doorstep??? **stuffs evil kitkat back in her box***
  20. Start documenting and making complaints to the appropriate people???
  21. Maui and his best mate Taila (Corgi who lives next door) LOVE playing the bitey face game. Yes, the noises are hilarious!!!
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