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Everything posted by kitkatswing

  1. Oh Esky I am so very sorry you are going through this Please know we are all thinking of you.
  2. Maui at 8 weeks :) My handsome boy now (well taken in January)
  3. Appollo Archie Armand Arminius Asher Aussie x2 Axl Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo x2 Bardigrub Bart x 2 Barton Baxter Basil Bear x2 Benji Benny Benson x2 Beowulf Bertie Billy Bing Bluey Boss Boxer Brady x 2 Brock x 2 Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Buddy Bundy Buster Caleb Caramel Carl Carter Cash Casper Cedar Champ Charlie x 4 Chester Chevy Chip Chisel Coco x 2 Cobber Connor x2 Cooper x 4 Cowan x 2 Cruise Cuba D'Artagnan Dakota Dalton a joke from the road house movie "I thought he'd be bigger" he is a big boy Damit Danny Darcy x 3 Dashx2 Deakin Deek Dean Declan Delgado Denver Denzal Dennys Dog Deputy Dexter Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Disco Doc Dog Douglas Dozer Dragon Drifter Drogo Dumas Dylan x2 Ebon Eddie EJ Elijah Elliott Elvis Edge Enuff Esky Fender Fergus FEZ Fido Fionneaghan (Fionn) FlashBazil Flash Harry Fox Frank Franky J Holden Fred Gandor Gimmick Granger Greedy Griffin Gus x 2 Guiness McGuinness Gypsy Hail Hamish Harley Harrison Harry Hemi Henry x2 Hiram Hudson Hugo x 2 Ivan Jack x 3 Jacques Jake x 3 Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Jingles Jock Joe Jonty Jordan x 2 Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kobe Kyle Kyojin Kyzer Leo Leroy x2 Lestat Link Logan Louie Louis Luca Lucky Lughie Lukas MacKenzie Magnus Manny Mars Maui Maverick Max x 4 Maxey Maxie Mel Merlin x 2 Merlot Merry Micah Midge Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mogwai Mokha Morrison Morris Moses Mr Darcy Mungo Murphy Murray Nammu Napoleon x2 Ned Nelson Nicky Nigel Nikolai Nipper Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Nutnut Oberon Odin Ollie Oliver Onslow Oscar x 2 Oso Oz x 2 Payton Percy Piikki Porsha Porthos Punch Quick Rafe Raffy Ralph Rambo Randy Rasta Rauri Reeve Remy Rex x 2 Rhaegar Rhino Rico Riku Riley Ripley River Roary Rocks Rocky x 2 Rolly Rookie Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Ruff Ryan Rupert Rusty x2 Sam Samurai (Sam) SARGE Scout Scrap Scratch Sebastion Shadow x2 Silas Snitch Snoopy Sonny sox Speed Spencer x 2 Spike x 2 Sport Spud Stanley Sterling Storm Sully Swanky Tango Tazz x 2 Ted Teddy Tey Dog Theo Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x 2 Toffee Tonka Trojan Trusty Tub Tusca Tye Tyrant Tyson Ulf Valentino Viserys Vulcan Wade Wags Walker Walter Watson x 2 Weave Will Willow Willy Winston Woody Wolf Xander Yelka Zac Zander Zedley Zep Zephyr Zero Zeus Ziggy Zontie
  4. Tell me about it Puddleduck!!!! Yesterday I bought a crackle head, an isqueak bowling pin and the arachnoid thingy.....
  5. Maui typically sheds his body weight every day... I was just wondering if grooming him with a specific brush etc.. would help in cutting back the amount he sheds at all? He is a smoothcoat.... I love him to bits but having to vaccume every day!!! The dog sheds more then I do! :)
  6. I knew I shouldnt have gone into this thread... My "shpping cart" on Pets1 now has a few new toys for Maui sitting in it...
  7. Not doubts in my mind. Maui would go to my in laws.. And live a very happy and spoiled life..
  8. Throw everything back over the fence, including the poop? Mayeb leave a little little pile on his front doorstep...
  9. Great photos!!! hahah he does look like a kangaroo in that photo!!!!!!!!
  10. Maui is hOme from the vet.. He has three hairs removed from his eyelid... He is sporting the cone for a couple of days, which he is struggling to negotiate with!! Not sure how to add photos from iPod, but he isn't happy.
  11. Domestic violence?? Maybe if one fish is beating up the other fish and forcing it to eat the bait maybe??? But serioulsy, I just dont get it..
  12. Afternoon all!! I have a dear friend who is travelling to El Paso (her husband got a job there) for 4 years. I have recomended JetPets so shes getting a quote. She is a bit concerned on how her sooky dogs will go on such a long flight.. Would anyone have any experiences (good please) that they could share so I can show her that her doggles will be ok? :)
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions... We are going to try changing his food bowl, to a box like kinda structure, Im not sure exactly what my hubby has in mind, so this could be interesting!!! :) Maui has plenty of bones to munch on, he only gets half a cupfull of kibble in the mornings, when I get home at 6 he gets canned food, which he eats outside, at night so birds arent a problem then :) Azaih: Sorry I didnt mean to imply non-grazing are piglets :) I like the treat ball idea, except we use that indoors, he would lose it outside! :)
  14. Yes well, not leaving food out is the obvious option I do know that..... Maui is a grazer, he wont eat all at once, he will eat all day, I do not mind this. He isnt greedy, he will eat when he is hungry.... Im looking for other options APART from not leaving food out..... Once idea I did think of is that I have a dragon kite from Bali, might string that up and see if it works.
  15. Done the owl thing.... Didnt work..... We have smart birds....
  16. I thought I would ask the collective massive of DOL for advice.. Is there anyway of keeping birds away from eating the dog food? Any tricks of the trade? We have Mauis bowl outside (undercover) but the birds are making a HUGe mess of it, poop everywhere. We have tried the fake owl thing, that lasted one day before the birds knew it was a fake... I know our last resort may be having to feed him inside, but we would rather avoid if possible... Any ideas please?
  17. Well, it could be offensive to dyslexics :) heheheh
  18. Thanks CavNRott, will speak to them about it. Hes doing really well with the cream at the moment, it seems to be making his eye feel better. There was only a very tiny ulcer starting, so hopefully combination of cream and tablets will get rid of it.. The surgery is mainly to get rid of the hair and to make sure it doesnt come back. Which has to be done under sedation.. Am I a horrible doggy mum that I think it would be funny to have a pirate eye patch on him?? :) (Not that it would last long!)
  19. We call this "Spock Ears" :)
  20. Maui's eye has been bothering him lately and we could see an eyelash growing from underneath the eyelid. Took him to the Vet today and $138 later we have cream and tablet for him to take for a week. The eye has a little ulcer starting now He is going in for surgery on it next Friday (15th), I am going to take the afternoon off work to pick him up. Aprantly they may close his eye for up to three weeks for it to heal properly? This wont be covered by our pet insurance I dont think, as its maybe 1 day before the 30 day waiting period.. Damn this month is going to absolutly flatten me with bills.. (Over $3 grand in bills due, insurances regos etc etc.... ) Going to be tough, but the health of Maui is more important then anything to me :)
  21. Today I was playing with Maui at the park behind our house (middle of our block), happily playing with a new squeaky ball! I'm on my knees playing tug of war with it and see this huge mastiff cross running straight toward us. I could hear it's owner trying to call it back... Thankfully I saw it before Maui did and was able to pick him up before the dog got to us... The other dog came straight at me and started circling around.. I'll admit, I was pretty damn scared, Maui was growling, I put my best mean voice on and yelled at the dog. Eventually the owner got control of him and apologised, he even admitted that his dog would have hurt Maui... I was shaking and headed home... Called my hubby and described the dog and owner to him, perfect match for another recent attack on a dog he sees every morning when he walks.. That poor border collie almost didn't mSke it and is now dog scared.... I'm so lucky I had Maui close to me and was able to grab him.... Wish I had followed that guy to complain to council, I'll keep an eye out that's for sure....,
  22. Just got a call, Woolies driver is running about 45 minutes late, they will leave the food at the front door if she isnt home...
  23. She will be getting some dry and wet food between 9 - 12 tomorow hopefully :) (If its delivered by Woolies on time!)
  24. I was thinking, maybe if we had an address I could order food online (woolies etc) and have it sent to her??
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