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Everything posted by shepherds

  1. Following on from my earlier post, here are some pics of the dog runs. If anyone has any useful suggestions on how to snake proof would really really appreciate same. And hopefully this has worked! Cheers
  2. Okay - have been trying to figure out how to protect the yard and have realised with 3 odd acres - its not possible, except for the obvious like keeping paddocks mowed, rubbish removed etc etc....so will just concentrate on the dog runs and supervision when the dogs are in the house yard. (Finding the snake in the front yard on Monday has been doing my head in ever since ) So how do I protect the the dog runs???? I will post a piccie of the dog runs tonight (assuming I figure out how to load up photos), but essentially the dogs runs are about 8 x 6 metres and about 5 metres in height. The back part of the kennel/box part sits flush with the edge of the concrete pad but where the box runs forward into the run part that sits inside of the concrete pad (courtesy of a builder who couldnt measure properly), so for the length of the box and run you have about a 5 inch space of concrete until you hit the run and fencing (hope that makes sense). Effectively that stops me from running flywire or anything down the sides of the run straight into the ground. Im thinking the only to secure the dog runs is to run another fence completely around the outside of the dog runs about a metre away?? Does that make sense and if so - how high would it need to be (given we only have copperheads) - would a 1 or two foot barrier do the job? Also how do people manage any gates in snake/barrier fencing to make sure snakes dont squeeze through??? Would appreciate any comments/advice??? Thanks
  3. I've used it - with great success Sprayed it on edges of tramp beds and also the inside futon part of snooza beds. It absolutely stinks and is lethal when spraying it - but leave it outside to dry off and its okay. Dogs still used the beds and chewing stopped after a mouthful or so. But one of my girlfriends tried it with her lot - and unfortunately her girl liked the taste... Funniest thing was though - I went into Horseworld looking for a similar but different product and they only had the red hot spray in stock. And when in casual conversation I wondered out loud how bad it actually tasted - the assistant actually tasted some herself (now thats customer service) and honestly I have never seen anything so funny in my life. Her reaction convinced me to buy the product and whenever I think about it now - I still laugh. Cheers
  4. Boil it for as long as you can, a few hours, topping up the water as the level drops, then cool and strain and put it into a squirt bottle. The water has to be black or at least very dark. As its cooling you can add eucalyptus oil or teatree oil and dish washing detergent (for more sticking power). It needs to be resprayed every few days as the weather will disperse in. Inside it will last langer. The main reason we use this is to mask the smell of the rodent. In tests here at my place we have proven it to be very effective in turning a snake around.they dont like the cloves and the addition of the mentioned oils dosnt hurt either. You can use 1 or 2 bags of cloves, the more the merrier i spose, just dont forget it needs replacing even with the detergent in it. The use of the spray in conjunction with the clean up and removal of snake cover, common sense and a snake catcher phone number on speed dial should, in theory, lessen your chances of having a bad snake day. Thank you.....will be getting my witches cauldron out today and making a brew. I really do appreciate your efforts with ideas and suggestions in helping us dog owners keep our animals safe. Am also rethinking the front yard - the house and dog yard is completely clear (at least half a meter clearance between ground and any trees/bushes that remain)- whilst out the front where the snake was found there are a couple of shrubs/bushes that sit very close to the ground. They are obviously going to go but aside from privacy reasons am reluctant to remove everything as I dont want any snake heading towards the house for cover and would obviously rather encourage them to head to trees/bushes away from the house - or does it not matter with a panicked/disturbed snake - they just bolt in any direction when disturbed? Cheers
  5. So sorry to hear that Leithy - sending healing thoughts your way.
  6. Leaving water down the boundry will stop the thirsty snake from looking any further for water.Copperheads dont climb but will use their small heads to push through long grass, but tigersnake have a wide head and they prey on birds and their eggs, raiding nests by climbing and I have removed a few from trees and bushes. A bag of cloves from the supermarket to 2 litres of water should do the trick. Here is a little tger snake Thanks Snake Catcher - and sorry to be so anal - but just want to make sure I do this right - Just a spmall bag of whole cloves how long do you boil it for and then you just spray it around areas in particular to protect (ie around dog runs) and spray every week or after rain? Thank you!
  7. Thanks Nic.B - Unfortunately I cant crate them during the day (too long in a crate. I have looked at what other Dolers have done with their dog runs but when the runs were built, the actual run/fencing part doesnt sit flush with the edge of the concrete pad (sits in on it) so I cant put shade cloth up the sides and run into down and dig it into the ground and I havent been able to figure out any other solution to that Sounds like we have similar set up - we have about an acre of house/yard and dog run area and then two and half acres of paddocks. No dam though - my OH wants one but I've always said no thinking of it attracting snakes, but to be honest it hasnt seem to make any difference - we still get them (snakes). My friend lives only a couple if minutes drive from here in the same area - they have a dam at the front of their house and have been there 3 years and not seen a snake yet..... go figure..... Ams - sounds like your woofers had a lucky escape...
  8. Nic.B - How did the horses alert you - does their behaviour change? And how far away do you have the water from your house yard? At least we dont have to worry about Browns. We had a hot day yesterday and its warm today. Im just terrified of them and aside from going around the house yard yet again and clearing bigger gaps under the very few remaining plants, have spent the day stressing there might be another one and what happens when I go to work tomorrow and the dogs are out in their runs. Two of them have house privileges but the two younger ones have to go out there. And yes - thanks Snake Catcher thanks for your guidance and support and look forward to your suggestions.
  9. Have just had 3 ft copperhead snake removed from front yard (thank you reptile rescue who came so promptly ) But I live in fear of another one arriving and one of the dogs getting bitten again (and it was about this time of the year 3 years ago - he survived but the ongoing health issues have been a battle). We have removed everything and even the snake catcher lady said there is nothing more we can do with the yard and dog runs - except remove the dogs water. She also said the area we are in we are lucky as its normally only copperheads. So Snake Catcher - a couple of questions (and apologies if they have already been asked) will snakes climb for water? If I put water down the boundary away from the runs and house - will it help keep them away from us or just encourage snakes cos they find a never ending supply of water???? And I read somewhere about the cloves mix?? How strong does it need to be and is there any proof that it works? Thanks
  10. Just in case there are any interested Taswegians.... Black Hawk is now available in Tasmania.... Can PM me for details Cheers
  11. I too have a problematic eater....the things that dog has reduced me to doing to get him to eat ....well I do not know that person Im currently doing a bit of work through a holistic place and after two weeks I have seen a very slight improvement (long may that continue). Im just wondering - does your dog show any signs of nausea..(licking of lips, head down, ears back) etc etc...and is there any pattern to it...ie wont eat breakfast...but will eat dinner... As one of the others mentioned...there can be a number of things that impact on appetite, liver, digestive imbalances ...........liver complaints can show up as a refusal to eat in the morning...as can a system that is too acidic. An unhealthy digestive tract can also impact on appetitie and failure to thrive. All I know is that having a skinny dog who obviously needs nourishment but refuses to eat is one of the most frustrating things I have ever encountered....a constant roller coaster.... Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you soon. Cheers
  12. Thanks guys - I was just checking as to whether they are legitimate as call me a cynic but their actual site didnt inspire me with confidence - nor did the name as I also had the whole Jurassic Park connection thought process happening...... Anyway.... Shortstep agree would be great if there was competition in this field... Im not sure of current pricing for some of the tests indicated ..... but if anyone has done any - or has that info...please feel free to share. Cheers
  13. Hi All Just wondering if anybody has heard of the above company - or accessed/used any of their services. here is the link to their website http://www.ingen.bs/Australia.html If you check out the breed/disease list...one of the breeds listed is an Aussiedoodle ?????? thanks
  14. When was he at the vets last for his injury? I only ask as the last time one of my boys had a day trip to the vet - he came home with a little extra gift.....Kennel Cough....which didnt appear until about 5 days after he had spent the day there. Unfortunately in that five days - he had managed to pass it on to the other three residents (who all came down with it one day after the other)...... I was not a happy camper at the time. All four of them got KC to different degrees and cough patterns were different - but in the main - worse first thing in the morning and on exertion or excitement. I understand they are contagious and should be kept away from other animals for 14 days from their last cough.... Hope your boy is fine soon and recovers from the injury quickly.
  15. I am fortunate to have an excellent vet - nothing is a problem and indeed when my first dog passed away after unsuccessful surgery - I was still chasing the vet a couple of months later for the invoice (I just wanted to pay it and have it all finalised) - her reasoning at the time was she couldnt bring herself to do it. I also had the misfortune of another one of my dogs suffering from a snake bite (he survived)...rushed trip to the vets....they advised me of the cost of the anti venom - but at no time did they request payment up front.... I was just told it might take a number of vials and the cost for each vial..... Having said that - I am a regular client - (I have suggested the next extension on the practice should be named after one of my animals ) - and I know all other "regular" clients receive the same treatment as myself. Also plastered on the reception wall is a poster advising of the potential costs in the unlucky event your dog is bitten. Its a very hard call to make....and unfortunately a sad reflection on things today that not all people are honest.....Vets are a business and cant afford to carry the cost of unpaid for treatment/drugs - to stock necessary drugs on their own is a significant burden and can run into the $100k depending on the size of the practice......(think about the cost of individual tablets - whether it be heart medicine, antibiotics, NSAIDS - even worm tablets). And in the end - us people that do pay and do look after our animals - in the long run we will pay for those that dont....through increased consultation fees as vets try to recoup/reduce bad debts.
  16. Hi Rivergem Im looking to do the exact same thing myself - and have got some preliminary info on courses available. I am actually going to give that info to my human bowen therapist - who is formally qualified and a practising teacher and get her feedback on the quality of the course. I understand whilst the technique is basially same - with the different structure between humans and dogs its better to do a small animal course after learning the basic moves. It has gotten a bit confusing as there seems to be so many different ways of learning - some are informal and then other courses available where you get an actual qualification and can be registered as such. Obviously there is a cost factor in that - and if I go down that path - I want to make sure I choose the right one. Im happy to share whatever info I can find out - you can pm me if you like. Cheers
  17. Bugger. Poor guy. How long did he take to recover, shepherds? Two of mine were bitten and it took 9 months. What you've got to be careful of is if he ever gets envenomated again (touch wood) by snake or tick, his chances of serum sickness are much higher. If it does happen and I really hope it doesnt, and he goes to a different vet, it's really important you tell them it's his second time. NZ is looking mighty good! Yep...NZ is looking mighty good. I currently have my mother staying and I only left the house this morning after a severe lecture on how, when and where the dogs could be let out and what she has to do. I only hope it sunk in, I repeated myself enough!!!!!!! I actually wouldnt say that he has "fully recovered" - I dont think he ever will - but the first twelve months were the worst. I would also say his personality has changed a little bit as well - then again that could have something to do with the age that he got bitten (he was only 7 months old). I think the thing that turned his health around was a naturopath. Because of his weight and failure to thrive (he was very skinny, refused to eat no matter what was put in front of him)..I was giving him digestive enzymes from the vet, along with weekly Vitamin B shots. At the time his liver function blood tests etc were not that great. I then got onto a naturopath and between her and the herbal people, we worked on restoring his digestive system, inner health and liver. These things to some degree restored his condition and general well being (and the liver function improved) - but like I mentioned it doesnt take much to upset the apple cart and Im very very careful of where he goes and what he does. Even now some times he will go through one of his Im not going to eat periods and when that occurs I restart the digestive and liver treatments which seems to get things back on track. (and yes I used to be one of those people who believed a dog would eventually eat if it got hungry enough.....the things this dog has reduced me to doing...I dont actually recognise that person....but that is another story ) Raz, I remember reading your story at the time it happened (I have been a long time reader) and it was heartbreaking....are you still dealing with any long term effects? And I would be interested in what treatments vet or alternative wise you have used and had success with. If anyone is unfortuante enough to have a pet get bitten, then maybe some good that can come out of it is the subsequent recovery and rehabilitation and what works and people have had success with (it was a huge learning curve for me as it was no doubt you). cheers
  18. Hi - Just wondering if the product is available in Tassie - North of the State. cheers
  19. Thanks Ososwift Here we deal mainly with copperheads - although tigers are about. I actually had surgery the day after he was bitten and needless to say I was in and out of hospital before the my boy came home from the vets. I have photo's of him taken about a week before he was bitten and photo's taken within a few days of him coming home.....you wouldnt think it was the same dog. He was six months old at the time. So like you - knowing what we know - I will do whatever I need to to try and keep them safe. Wishing you a snake free summer and looking forward to the photo's of your handiwork. Cheers
  20. Hi All - Long time reader - first time poster and my fear of snakes has driven me to post. Im very much looking forward to the piccies of the snake proofed dog runs. One of my boys was bitten nearly two years ago now, and whilst he survived - what they dont tell you at the time is the long term health consequences a snake bite and the anti venom treatment can have. Today, whilst for the most part his health is okay, he is very hard to get condition and weight on him and if he gets bitten by anything else he has severe allergic reactions - his health and general constitution remain in a very delicate balance - that doesnt take much to upset. And while summer is great.....every year I dread it coming around and what it brings....so if I can do anything to give me some peace of mind when Im at work and they are in their runs it would be great. Cheers
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