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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. I know. It's hard as a rescuer seeing your breed like that. I just hope that it gets cared for the right way considering they're definitely not willing to give it up.
  2. SAS, I found this photo of the dane pup. It looks in good health if that's any comfort to you.
  3. That link doesn't work for me :/ Clyde I'm so sorry how gut wrenching Don't you need a permit to keep a fox? Not in NSW. It's like finding a feral cat or European rat and decide to keep it.
  4. All my dogs are desexed just because it's convenient and i'm not a huge fan of some hormonal behaviour that can happen with entire dogs. I also do it as there are a fair few stray dogs that roam and I wouldn't want to risk an accidental mating/or other issues associated with a strange entire male trying to get onto my property no matter how much I tried to protect my dog. From a medical standpoint I have seen some disgusting cases of pyo and testicular cancer which has scared me off having entire dogs as well.
  5. GDV will cause pain and discomfort and really fast. Keep an eye on her and if she seems even slightly out of sorts then call the vet. If you're worried at all call the vet and have a chat. How did you feed her, what did you feed her, how about drinking lots of water? Here's some good reading material so you're better informed. https://www.acvs.org/small-animal/gastric-dilatation-volvulus
  6. The look on her face is priceless. I have a video where I was doing a few tricks with torque and the cat just casually walks up and bites her on the arse as I ask her to sit. That was the session over. :laugh:
  7. I have to lock my cat away when the dogs eat. He likes to saunter into the middle of the kitchen floor and glare at them until they all slink away from their meals. Cats are jerks :laugh:
  8. :laugh: I like how Wisdom is like "Just let the cat do what it wants. Don't upset the cat"
  9. Kelpies are bred from short haired Collies from Scotland and cream kelpies are a genetic variation. Some dingo blood could possibly be present but it is minuscule. They are their own breed and not dingoes. I suggest reading up on the breed before making such claims.
  10. They are not fit to be pets either A girl I know has one and he was a chronic escape artist, regularly scaling fences and getting out near a very busy road, until one day he was actually hit by a car and sustained serious damage. Plenty of domestic dogs do exactly the same thing, and plenty of Dingoes kept as pets don't. This dog was on another level to any domesticated breed I've ever met. It killed livestock in suburbia on multiple occasions, too. So do many domestic dogs. Agreed. I've seen plenty of breeds of dogs do the same thing. Especially ones with high prey drive. It's not unusual. I know people with pet dingoes that never escape.
  11. I know many mature aged ladies with cocker spaniels around here. They seem to suit them really well. I agree that a greyhound would suit well as well
  12. mixeduppup


    He was gorgeous. I came in here just to see his precious face again.
  13. Not a breed I'd recommend for an hour's walking a day though. She does that with her dog most days, 30 mins morning and afternoon, depending on weather.
  14. My friend has anxiety and PTSD and had a dogue and he's brilliant. very level-headed and calm.
  15. I have adequate fencing just need something extra for one of my dogs
  16. What might have happened? Mind shudders in horror. Sorry to go off topic. Apparently the owner tried to rehome the dog herself but was suffering severe allergies that were growing worse so surrendered to the pound.
  17. Awesome thank you. it's only for one of my dogs that developed habits before i got her and although is much better I feel the invisible fence set up around the existing fence will help control her that bit more. Thanks, I'll have a look at that brand. cheers.
  18. Do you mean this one MUP? http://www.tams.act.gov.au/city-services/pets/keeping_dogs_in_the_act/lost,_found,_impounded_and_wanted_dogs/impounded_dogs?sq_content_src=%2BdXJsPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZ3d3cuZG9tZXN0aWNhbmltYWxzLmFjdC5nb3YuYXUlMkZJbXBvdW5kLmFzcCUzRkFjdGlvbiUzRFVQRF9JUCUyNlBvdW5kSWQlM0QzNDY3MCZhbGw9MQ%3D%3D How do you know she's a Beauceron? Isn't Rottie mix more likely? Nope, go to the rescue forum, a papered beauceron has been surrendered.
  19. Just wondering who here has an invisible fence and which would you recommend?
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