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  1. My dogs hoover the chook bombs like lollies and enthusiastically tuck in to the alpacas poo pile - the fresher the better!! This is only a part of their overall diet which includes RAW meat, bones, offal, fruit, veggies, and eggs. Inportantly I also worm them very regularly as I enjoy living with them in my house.
  2. Mmmm... Having IT stress trying to work out how to post a photo?! The link to the greyhound forums sent me to 2007 posts, is there a 2014 post?
  3. i cracked up with giggles watching this!! I have a 10mo grey puppy and I can relate to all of that! I am in love and then some with this breed and kick myself for not getting one (or more...??!) sooner. I don't need to lose my cool ever as I know her confused destructiveness, effervescent, exuberance, kindness, warm hearted generousness, curiosity and hypo-mania will one day smooth out into the bestest easy going companion I could ever have. The definition of a "whatever" dog is a greyhound!
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