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  1. Well she is an Australian Terrier and should only be 7 0r 8 kilos..but now weighs 10.6 kilos..!but she is alive aňd well !
  2. Hi all just an update...Dusty has fully recovered! Long process but her count is back to normal and she is great. The only problem is she has put on 3 kilos and is now quite overweight... the vet said apparently she can get in back ..but I am more aware now of symptoms. I am lucky i had pet insurance or it would have really cost me big time approx 2500.00 plus tablets. The vet said she was very lucky and early treatment saved her.
  3. Hi had another bloodtest her levels are 57! So it is looking better..she is abit brighter looking but still lethargic..steriods twice a day..crossing my fingers she gets better each day. Although the vet said she can relapse..and we need to get her levels to 200.
  4. My dog has just been diagnosed with Imt. The first I noticed was she had bleeding gums..she went down hill very fast. In vets her first platelet count was 1..they didnt trust the machine so sent blood to city to confirm .it came back a 3. She had a platelet transfusion and is on high steriods.She has swelling and blood marks now on her stomach. Has anyone had experience with this??she also has anaemia aswell. She is 3.5 years old...it has been a stressful week.
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