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  1. Had the Plexidor dog door installed last week and at this stage we are very pleased with the high quality and look of the door. They have spring loaded solid panels so they return back to the closed position quietly, without the bang of the magnets connecting like our last door. A little bit worried at first as our Boxer wouldn't go near it, but after a couple of days coaching her through she is back to her normal mad run around the back yard and full pelt through the door.
  2. I would think a robber would have different thoughts once he stuck his head through the dog door to find our Boxer waiting for him...LOL. But on a serious note that was one of the reasons I selected this door, it has a steel security plate that attaches to the inside plus a keyed lock, so if we are away I can seal it off.
  3. Plexidor dog door it is, after a lot of time researching the door I have found a supplier in Australia. Hopefully this will solve our pet door dilemma. Will post back once I have received and installed it..
  4. Thanks for the recommendation, I have seen these doors in Bunnings, not a bad looking door. (plan B). I think we are limited here in Australia there seems to be some quality doors in the US and Europe, for example Security Boss and Plexidor pet doors. Might explore these and post back.
  5. Hi Wiz,s Mum, we're Searching for a pet door for a timber door, but our existing doors haven't held up to the punishment they receive from our Boxer. (Don't want to go back to being a doorman for her.) Just seeing if someone knows of, or has a better quality door. Thanks for any help.
  6. Can anyone please recommend a good quality dog door? Our Boxer runs full pelt through our exisiting door (plastic flap type) and as a result we have lost another flap today!!
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