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Posts posted by Luvapoo
Big hugs, we are lucky to have many beautiful dogs cross our path but some are truly our heart dogs. Run free across the rainbow bridge beautiful boy.
A very sad situation that so many poor souls find themselves in, but what a beautiful reunion.
Virgin has announced it will allow small dogs and cats on domestic flights.
I just can't see how this will be satisfactory for those travelling without pets.
I would be happy to pay that if it were a once off.
Our Council charges annually.
An undesexed dog $180 a year.
I do get this half price as I'm an approved kennel and ANKC breeder but it's a lot with 6 dogs!
Not complaining, but I do like the NSW rule of only paying once
The puppy market is simply saturated. Rescues are overflowing at record numbers.
I read somewhere that one million more people became dog owners during covid.
The Covid prices made many decide to be breeders and now the pendulum has shifted.
So you are not alone, I am reading the same sentiments on breeder groups I am part of
1 hour ago, tdierikx said:
Maybe check MDBA (Master Dog Breeders Australia) to see if the breeder is listed with them?
No you can't advertise on DoL if you're with MDBA.
Only ANKC (now Dogs Australia) members can advertise here
Everyone has different ideas on this.
I personally don't agree with dictating to a puppy buyer what they can or cannot do with a pup they have paid for.
I love it how some breeders think it's okay for them to breed, but not anyone else, and claim they are being ethical and responsible. Oh Please.
I would check with your state body whether a breeder has the right to withhold the pedigree papers.
As stated by others, the breeder must transfer the microchip to you, or give you the paperwork at the time of sale, so you can attend to it yourself.
They have been allowed to go back on the market after issuing a ban that lasted less than a day
I have had cavaliers, pugs, and now toy poodles.
The cavs were terribly sweet but a big concern was the lack of recall if there was something more interesting happening (like a roo). They get a pretty bad rap in the health stakes too.
Pugs are just loveable clowns, again health issues arise and the shedding is painful.
I don't think I could go past a poodle now, super obedient, submissive, non shedding and I enjoy the grooming.
Our friends in Northern NSW are from a family who bred Huntaways in NZ from way back in the 1960s. They have a cabinet full of winning trophy's.
They brought them over to Australia when they moved in the 70s or 80s.
They had 10,000 acres, cattle and sheep
They are brilliant working dogs.
It's the only time I had seen these dogs
Another attack on Rockhampton yesterday, an 8 yo boy.
5 hours ago, Rebanne said:
I'd be very careful with Bravecto on your pregnant girl. I'd treat the other 4 and then separate for 24 hours. I would use the ear drops on her.
Thanks @Rebanne, the bravecto is what I am most concerned about.
My dogs are not treated for anything except worms as we don't have fleas here and very rarely see the odd bush tick.
I have 5 toy poodles and we have ear mites. One female is 3 weeks pregnant.
Vet has suggested bravecto and Ilium ear drops.
Has anyone else experienced ear mites and had success with treatment?
and do you know how we may have got them as we are on a property and my dogs don't mix with others.
I have searched this subject and there are quite a few posts regarding the removal of dew claws.
I noticed a couple of members of the forum have mentioned that it is now illegal to remove Dew claws in Australia.
Would anybody have any links to confirm that this is actually the law?
Thank you
50 minutes ago, BDJ said:
I understand both sides of the discussion completely. I think the disconnect is that often people are coming from different (both correct, but different) sides of the coin.
Prospective buyer - what we see and how we are attracted to the visual is a fact of life (even if just at the planning stage). People want/like/are drawn to whether something appeals to them. It doesn't mean it is the only determining factor and makes someone 'shallow' or uncaring - the fact is that for many people pictures tell a story (after all, how many times do DOLers have someone come in asking for advice on a puppy issue and the response is 'I suggest XYZ - and pls post pics we would love to see your little one).
Seller - two issues. (a) scammers can (and do) take photos and use them and (b) some people will get stuck on the visual and it causes friction when they focus on dog X when the dog/home mix isn't right
Prospective buyer - they are the ones spending the $$$. If several/all adds included the price they would know a ball park figure without having to contract/chat. Other adds (including animals) usually come with the price advertised. So, why the 'secret squirrel'? Is it a power game? Is it elitist? Does it become all too hard? These are questions which come to peoples minds. Dogs are expensive, and the purchase price is a consideration for many people. And if I end up buying the pup I am going to be paying for it - why not state it up front
Seller - This dog/pup is a living breathing critter and it has so much more to offer than a price tag. I want to know the person first. And, I don't want to put up with the 'you said $4000 in your ad, I will give you $3500'
Difficulty/number of contacts
Prospective buyer - I don't want to jump through hoops, and wait 10 days for a response. I also have a life, and kids, and responsibilities etc, so 'the breeder is busy' does sound condescending. If the 'norm' is to contact 10 people to get 2 responses, one is a 'the dog has gone' and the other is 'please tell me more about yourself', then that just seems weird. These people have possibly just lost their 15 year old dog etc and last time they did this it was a case of looking in Saturdays paper and making a few calls. So the messages I leave/emails I send are probably too brief and come across as 'transactional' so go to the bottom of a pile. But I don't know the 'rules' of making a good first impression
Seller - I have a life, and kids, and responsibilities - so I am busy. And I get so many numpty/dodgy sounding/one liner/incompatible contacts that I just can't keep up.
I don't think there is a silver bullet. Perhaps as much information as possible in the ad about the dog/pup. What sort of home is best, whether he/she is big, small or right on size to the standard, temperament, whether suited to dog sports, energy levels as possible. And a standard response (either back via text or email) thanks for reaching out. I have received a number of enquiries, and will be coming back to you in a few days. That gives the seller some time to make a decision and either contact for a conversation or go back with 'sorry, Fluffy is not available because (insert reason here)'. I think silence and non responding is a tad rude, from both sides.
One final thought. If breeders of pedigreed (and well bred and raised) pups/dogs want Joe Public to buy them (and not from 'Fred down the road' or a puppy farm), then it is important to understand the thought process and perceptions of Joe Public. I don't mean compromise your values or the way you look out for the best interests of your dog/pup. But being sympathetic to different approaches and questions is helpful
Beautifully put thank you.
I completely see the experience the writer is describing.
I have rehomed three older retired breeding females on this site. I always put a photo, a full description (age, weight, nature, current living arrangements, desexed) AND price.
I don't expect somebody to grovel to me with their whole life story before I disclose information to them.
Once a prospective purchaser has this information then they can phone me and we go from there. I then ask lots of questions and in all instances my girls have found wonderful homes with people who still keep in touch.
Honestly, if anybody wanted to steal a photo they only have to go on Gumtree where there are currently over 7000 ads for dogs.
On 31/07/2022 at 2:50 PM, sandgrubber said:
Puppy prices are dropping as well (in NZ anyway).
I am often looking at puppy for sale ads and prices have definitely dropped a lot in Australia.
For example, the once popular breeds, such as the cross bred cavoodle, I have seen advertised for as low as $1,500 when they were up to $8,000 at the peak.
It is my guess that you could ring a lot of people advertising puppies and offer what you can afford and they may take it as they cannot sell pups.
It is a deterrent for people adopting when they can buy exactly what they want for a similar price.
We could all see this coming sadly.
There is a record number of puppies for sale on DOL as well.
Sadly this breed of dog has become popular due to the show Bluey.
As mentioned above people are buying them with no idea of the training and exercise demands.
When I was young we had two stumpy tailed cattle dogs. They were brilliant dogs but needed constant training exercise and discipline.
They were not good with small children, in fact we didn't trust them with small children.
I was quite shocked and saddened to read this post but it has prompted me to do some more research into the use of animals for experimentation in Australia.
I feel almost very ignorant to have discovered that over a million animals, ranging from baboons to mice are used each year in Australia for all types of experimentation.
I just googled "animals used for experiments in Australia" and the statistics are alarming
It really just makes me so very sad.
Very good to see an actual punishment for this behaviour.
I am waiting for a matter to go to court later this year for a scam that occurred to me (and many others) at the end of 2019. The court date has been adjourned twice so hopefully it will go ahead this time.
I am heartened to see that the courts are actually taking this seriously.
I have searched the forum for this topic but surprised to find no match.
My dogs are all going crazy for grass lately. Like for the last month. We have had lots of rain and when they are let out of a morning they are heading straight for the wet fresh pick. This is a new thing for them. They even stop to eat the grass on our morning walks.
I know it was always said that if dogs eat grass they are sick or lacking something but their behaviour is perfectly normal they are energetic and acting the same.
I feed mostly black hawk kibble (yes recipe has changed) they also have a small amount of pet mince most days, and a fresh chicken leg once a week.
I have bought a more expensive kibble called meals 4 mutts, and we'll see if this makes any difference but meanwhile wondering about others experiences please.
I too would be interested to hear another's experiences with the new blend.
I have ordered some and also have ordered some Advance as a backup plan. Mine have always preferred the Black Hawk to the Advance, but will eat either.
Provided both parents healthy and DNA cleared as you have mentioned, there is no reason to be concerned.
As @Podgus stated, the terms simply relate to size. Under 11 inches is toy, 11 to 15 is Miniature, and over 15 is Standard. In Australia.
I once had a mains pedigree male registered as a Toy that grew to 13 inches. He was too big for my girls sadly. He was a beauty.
To separate or not
in General Dog Discussion
My male was castrated last Wednesday 5 days ago, and my girl has now come on heat. Do I need to keep them separated or his he fully sterile by now?