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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Have you changed her diet in anyway? This could be a possible cause, but with pups its hard to tell. Is it possible shes come into contact with a parvo at any stage? Have you had her out in public places or has she been playing with other dogs that may not have been vaccinated? Either way, time for the vet now, as young pups can dehydrate very quickly with diarrohea, especially seeing as its her third day. Dont feed her anything for now, just vets asap, Parvo is a cruel disease, and its better to be safe than sorry.
  2. attachmentid=34622] My little angel. Oh my lord....the dining table legs? My staffy is just 6 months old, I thought the initial chewing stage was over, but last week she was left alone for about 1/2 an hour, she chewed the waste paper basket, an assortment of leggo toys, a newspaper (shredded it actually) our other dogs collar and tags....half a shoe, and the bottom part of the curtain. Outside is even better, hoses, hose fittings, one wooden step, various trees, her big soft bedding cushion (totally destroyed everything including the zipper..lol) a football, a basketball, my sons toy cars, the doormat....oh the list goes on and on. Such a joy, wouldnt swap her for anything though.
  3. Thanks for that info Haven and mbf, will try and get a copy.
  4. Just to hijack for a min...where can I get the Loud Noises CD from?
  5. Thanks hesapandabear, Minty is doing well now, shes still on a bit of rice as well as some of her dry food, with a bit of cooked chicken, and some human grade chicken wings. Shes absolutely ravenous, so Im assuming her appetite is back doubled. :p
  6. Thanks Glorybea, and welcome to the forum. You will find loads of info and great stories on the forums, and for a bit of fun, there is the "Off Topic" forum as well. :p
  7. Just updated the original post, so people dont have to read the whole thing. Minty is doing great today, shes got extra extra puppy energy and is using it on anything that moves. ;)
  8. Another update, Minty is home. ;) My son picked her up from the vets (he had borrowed my car for work today) and when he brought her in, she was leaping and smooching and running around like crazy. Couldnt believe it was the same puppy that I left at the vets, she has loads more energy and has been scruffing everything and anything that moves, even chewing the kitchen table legs. Hairy and Charlie are so pleased to have her home, they have been kissing her all over (after I did of course) Shes on Clavulox for the next 5 days, plus a bland diet, the blood tests revealed gastro. I wonder how pups/dogs get gastro? I cleaned & disinfected absolutely everything while she was at the vets, the house has never been cleaner, the poor mop is worn out, and all her bedding was washed and left out in the sun. I think I got a bit paranoid. Anyway, she was starving when she got home, looking at the fridge and woofing, so she had a small meal of boiled rice mixed with a tiny bit of optimum tin food. I will give her another small meal tonight if shes still hungry. Any other suggestions for the bland diet? She gave me the strangest look when I put the rice in her bowl, as if to say "You must be joking" Thanks again everyone for your concern and messages, it sure did help. Must admit I shed a when I saw her again and got the biggest puppy kiss and waggiest tail ever.
  9. Hi everyone, Sorry for the delay in updating, Minty is still at the vets, shes been having fluids since yesterday morning, and they rang me at 10 today to say shes eaten something and was brighter. The vet had done an ultrasound on her tummy, but couldnt find anything abnormal. Just rang the vets now (3.30pm) and Minty is feeling lots better, so I can pick her up at 5.30 - 6pm. Shes coming home on antiobiotics. Didnt speak to the vet, but I will when I go to pick her up, the receptionist said it was a gastric bug. ;) I will be so glad to get her home and smooch her up again, besides she has a few chrissie pressies to open (so do the other 2 and the cats) on Sunday. Thanks for all the well wishes for Minty, it must have helped.
  10. Hi Everyone, My little staffy pup (Minty) is at the vets, and on the drip for dehydration. :p Late last night she vomited and had a bout of runny poos within an hour, I thought at first it might have been something she ate, or she may have scoffed her dinner, the usual things you think of when pups do that. She was okay when I put her to bed and took her out for a wee etc. Shes fed on chicken necks, Optimum Dry/Canned food, and fresh chicken mince. Last nights meal was the mince. I checked her this morning, she wasnt hungry, very listless, no energy, no bounding around annoying the other dogs by chewing on them and on my toes. Made an appt straight away for the vets, she didnt have a temp, but there was some blood on the end of the thermometer in her faeces. Vet said unlikely to be parvo, but she was dehydrated, very flat and sad, so she put her straight onto the drip. Shes having IV fluids and IV antiobiotics, they may take blood this arvo if she doesnt pick up. Shes had her first vaccination at 6 weeks, isnt due for her 2nd until the 30th of December. (I adopted Minty 2 weeks ago from ARF in Canberra), very healthy little girl, she hasnt been anywhere except in my arms on walks for socialisation and in the car. The 3 dogs (outside ofhome) that shes met have been fully vaccinated, and she only ever been put down on concrete as Ive been a bit paranoid about parvo. Im wondering if it could be early stages Parvo, or a stomach bug? I just rang the vet (its been 4 hours since I left her there) and the nurse said she is on the drip, had some iv antiobiotics and hasnt had anymore vomiting or diarrohea, but is still pretty flat, although not as before. The vet will ring back once shes finished her rounds later this arvo. Should I ask for a parvo test?
  11. How awful for you. :cool: Im sure she had a great life whilst she was with you.
  12. So sorry to hear you lost your pup. Run free little one Hugs for you Jinta :cool:
  13. for you Peibe, for giving them love and a home. Run free Pippa and Kira ;)
  14. Ah, thanks Dru...I had spelt it wrong. Will drop into the vets to check out the Aloveen products too.
  15. Can anyone post a pic of this Wandering Dew? I cant find it anywhere, but one of my doggies is low to the ground (vertically challenged ) and gets a small rash under his belly. Also, where can I buy the Aloveen products from?
  16. Ah, so its okay to put her on the concrete outside the supermarket etc? (was thinking parvo etc) I have no plans on taking her for a walk or to the dog park etc, was just a bit worried about all the threads saying dont take them anywhere until they are 16 weeks old and fully vaccinated.
  17. Okay, loads of great suggestions, but....what do you do when you have a very heavy wriggly 9week old staffy girl? I carried her down to the school this morning to get used to the traffic noises and to meet kids and hear noises etc, but my arms were killing me. Any suggestions so my arms dont fall off in the meantime? Is it okay for her to sit on a mat or towel or something? (until shes fully protected at 16 weeks) And this afternoon shes going to the supermarket with me, at least my son can sit down on the bench and have her on his lap. Shes going to get bigger and heavier by the day, so trying to get her used to all these experiences without her walking is going to be tough, I cant imagine trying to do it with a rotty or a heavier dog. Also, if they show fear at any of these situations do you ignore it, or distract etc? Thanks.
  18. Thanks Erny. I did consider the neutral territory initial meeting, but it would have been hard because pup is only 9 weeks old and not allowed to be on the ground (outside of home) because of the parvo risk etc. I will try the crate with puppy too, and Charlie being there having his fave things done. Hes mostly ignoring her lately, she does follow him around like shes in love though, trying to gently kiss him, and hes just giving her a warning growl, but occasionally he will play nicely with her, and I praise him loads then. Once again, thank you for your replies everyone. Oh, and Minty (pup) sleeps in the sunroom alone (well, the cats are there, but they have elevated baskets ) and will often take herself off there for a snooze during the day. She has a basket in the lounge too, so she often has a snooze in there, unless shes dragging it around the room to play with.
  19. Thanks for that advice Haven and Toohey. They are mostly separated at the moment, older dog gets the run of the house, and puppy is in the sunroom with Hairy (other resident doggy) They are still having time together, mainly in the front yard (fenced and safe) and Minty seems to love Charlie the most, she grovels to him and he ignores her, sometimes growls and sometimes lets her play, as he rolls onto his belly for her to get on. When hes had enough, he pushes her off. Ive had them outside today, without him having the muzzle on, and hes been licking her face, and sometimes warning her, but no attempt at biting, which is good. He wont let her up on the doggy couch, but thats okay, Im not letting her up there, because thats his space. Hes only a small dog, (prob 12 inches high) despite being a staffy cross, he just missed out on having long legs. He has mixed with small tiny dogs, and big boxer type dogs whilst Ive had him (I got him as a 2 year old) and has never been aggro, always submissive to other dogs. As you said, maybe hes just not had any experience with pups. Minty isnt at all scared of him, he has told her off today when she was biting his ears hard during play, and she backed off, but then chased him around the yard to try to do it again, until I stepped in and bought her back inside. Hairy on the other hand is her personal chew toy and partner in crime, until hes had enough and retreats somewhere where she cant find him. I guess its just time and adjustment, and him associating the pup with good things?
  20. Yup, here he is, piano legs and staffy body. Forgot to add, theres better pics in the Photo section of him and new pup Minty. (titled Minty)
  21. Thanks for clearing that up Phatdex. She wont be continually attacked though, I wont let that happen. This morning we had a breakthrough, while having their supervised time together (all 3 dogs and Charlie muzzled) he actually rolled on his back and let her play on him...until she bit him rather hard on the ear and then he pushed her off pretty quick, but no growling. Hopefully it will all settle down over the next two weeks until he realises shes not a threat etc. Until then, close monitoring etc and separation for the major part of the day.
  22. Hi Phatdex, Im not sure what you mean? Do you mean the puppy will try and bite my dog out of fear? Anyway, this morning he has ignored her, even when she went up to smooch him as I was holding his attention with a treat. She even sat under his belly while he ate it. They are only all together under supervision, my other dog is a Silky Terrier x and he loves her and is very gentle with her, and they play well. She is small, but shes solid, and my dog isnt big, hes a staffy x beagle, but he only has short little legs. Theres no way he can bite her with the muzzle on, and hes only having that on for around 5 mins at a time when they are together, the rest of the time they are separate, but he is no where near as jealous/aggro as he was yesterday. This morning he even tried a small play with her.
  23. Update Things are getting a little easier, he doesnt want to go after her all the time now but when they are together, he still is wearing the muzzle and Im paying him extra attention and praising him when he sits to get brushed (his fave thing apart from eating ) and hes ignorning pup a little more. Any more suggestions from the wise ones? :D
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