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Everything posted by PossumCorner

  1. No, there's not. Not if you wish to use for bulk proof uploading. You don't need to sell through them. For similar reasons to those ChezzyR mentioned, we also prefer to do our own finishing for quality control of prints ordered. You can't compare Red Bubble in that it does not offer unlimited space, it is fine for the job it does, but is not really a hosting site in the same way as Smugmug. It's not supposed to be: RedBubble is intended to showcase only selected works for sale, not collections of proofs. Big advantage with Smugmug is the unlimited upload, so it can be used as back-up storage. As with Pbase, you can create private galleries for password-access to proofs on Smugmug. Pro membership of Smugmug is about $120 a year. I believe it is increasing shortly for new members, but old memberships not increasing (yet).
  2. Had an early version way back and didn't much like it. But the new Lightroom2 seems terrific, have only a trial version so battling with how to do what and why a bit. Does anyone recommend any of the books? Will probably get the Kelby one to join his shelf here. I booked a couple - LR2 for Dummies even - at the library yesterday but they'll take a month to become available on loan (just as the trial runs out, great). Most only seem to be available from overseas if in a hurry: Borders and Dymocks had nuthin'.
  3. Tomorrow is Armistice Day. Many towns hold their local memorial service on the previous Sunday as well as going to the Shrine on the 11th. This is a shot from the Boronia (Vic) service yesterday. Lest we forget. Nikon D70, Sigma 28-300 lens 170mm. ISO 200, f13 320th. (Severe crop to remove bystander)
  4. Well done! I am just back after ten days without the Internet, due to re-contract with Optus and muck-up of our Broadband and Mobiles. So, I am intrigued as to what the question was??
  5. You're good, I haven't got to it yet. Anyway, we have three items: I'll copy Vicki's rules up again for new people. Rules: There are 3 objects, common to most households or easy/cheap to buy. You can choose any one object or all 3, either individually or together. Each photo posted in this thread must come with a description of how you did it & EXIF data. The photo/s must be taken by the person posting it. You cannot use old photos you may have of the objects, they must be taken for the challenge. You can submit as many entries as you like. Photos can, but don't have to include dogs Images can be edited using photoshop etc,. Challenge runs for two weeks, and ends Thursday 30 October 3pm. There is no winner, just a bunch of people having fun & learning new techniques/ideas. Challenge 4 Items: 1. Kitchen Appliance 2. Disc 3. Plastic Bag Edit to extend to 2 wks and fix date.
  6. Wish that worked for me even with shorter lenses, no such luck. My hands/shoulder are not super-steady. So I rely on a monopod or tripod rather than anti-shake lenses. But you can get caught out: at the Buckskin Show at the weekend I was on my own and moving back and forth between two rings and the tripod made it a tad slow to move around so I hand-held quite a bit. And here's the result until fixed in photoshop: horizons so off level, one of my total pet pet hates. Back to the tripod for me. ETA: And Ripley, did you get the shot I ordered of Greyfriars Bobby statue?? Enjoying your shots and trip reports.
  7. Strange. Can you go into menus and reset everything to original settings? And are you sure it is not the battery slowing down so not enough power to do its job? Only having one battery is a bit scary, they will always pack it in at the worst moment on a busy day. Do try to get a spare, if necessary another brand is okay as long as it's from say Ted's or the like and the right one for the camera. Don't just flog one battery, keep them charged and alternate them. (Same with memory cards: re-format them in-camera each use - if and when one fails you need the spare with you, not at home). Might be worth trawling through a photographers' forum for mention of the same problem, or better still join the NikonCafe or Nikonians (or both) and pose the question there, they are always helpful.
  8. Good grief if he is happy to buy it say thank you how wonderful and put it on the camera. Why restrict yourself to lesser if you can afford better: your photography skills are not going to progress any quicker by denying yourself the best gear you can afford. And that lens will still be fantastic if and when you upgrade your camera (not that you need to) to a D90 or D3 or whatever. For other recommended lenses: for the dancers better to look at one or two prime lenses rather than zooms (with an f1.4 aperture) for stopping action in lower light. Say a 50mm and an 85mm. Both terrific portrait and full-body size capability. With the 70-300 I'd say no, not alongside the first recommendation, just not as good, and again why settle for less when you don't have to. And if your super husband has any change left, one or two Nikon speed-lights. And a decent tripod and head. And a good camera bag to hold the lot, not a tiddley bag.
  9. Item 3: "From the Toy-box". (Only household child or doggy or heirloom toy, no Jags or Mercs or boat from the garage).
  10. Yes, and if you bid, one of us (or three of us) could put a question to seller "Isn't this the model with the firmware problem, does it have a problem?" (which we know is not an issue, but might put other potential bidders off: be good to get it for even less than you were prepared to pay him/her).
  11. Hope you don't mind I stuffed around trying to get a better water colour to show him against. But made the sand too yellow while I was at it. Photoshop CS3 - shadow/highlights, replace background colours, touch of sharpen to crisp the water droplets.
  12. I'm crying time-poor so haven't done anything, between days at the Royal and family member ferrying to medical appointments. So dashed out and took these just outside the Dog Pavilion between demonstrations, not fancy, PJ at best. THAT's not a TAP - THAT'S a TAP Both with Nikon D70, Sigma 28-300mm 3.5-6.3 lens - (no laughing allowed okay). Filter: ShowGrounds dust on lens. Both in Raw. Both manual exp. Both manual focus. No fill-flash. Both unhelpful fiddle in CS3 and minor crop in Photo Bucket. The first one 140m, f8, 1/640. The second one 60mm, f13, 1/640
  13. Fresh sardines are only about $6 a kilo in the fish shops in most shopping centres around eastern suburbs (Melb). That works out much cheaper than buying canned sardines, and there is no smell. Only a normal fresh-fish smell.
  14. While we wait for a smart person (Luke or another Mac user might have a much better way) this is fairly easy for starters - Open a Photo Bucket account at www.photobucket.com - it is easy, it is free, it will talk you through how to get started. Once you've done that, there's a "load photos" browse button. That takes you back to your computer's shots, select iPhoto (might have to fossick around to find it in your menus) or you can use your Bridge library if using CS Bridge and PhotoShop. Just scroll through your shots list til you come to the one you want - maybe have its IMG or DSC No. jotted down to remind you. Click on it, click on "select" and it will upload the image to PhotoBucket, bit slow sometimes if doing a few at a time. Once it is in PhotoBucket you can edit it again if you like, and adjust size: I'll put a square format here - made it 500 x 500. If you've done an edit, go back to Library of your thumbnails in PhotoBucket. You'll see a list of options below each thumbnail. Click on the last one that starts "IMG" which will automatically copy that line. Now go to the DoL or whichever forum, set up your reply or new topic space, and where you want the image have your cursor there and click edit/paste (top left of screen) and that line will appear. Key in your extra text and click "Preview Post" to bring up image to see if size etc are okay. If happy with it, click "Add Reply". Bingo. PhotoBucket is not the only way but it works well. So we looks forward to some Polo Shots, and I apologises for not getting back to you again yonks back about a camera question, what did you end up going with??
  15. Where they have the pathetic range of coffee, the biscuits and the beer-making kits. That aisle. (Near the chocolates/confectionery). They have a good range of Easiyo plus the maker-shaker units.
  16. er - and Greyfriar's Bobby? Good to hear you arrived okay and all. In the boot??!!! Edit to remove feelings re camera in boot.
  17. Luke mentioned Strobist. http://strobist.blogspot.com/ - it really is worth a look for "stuff" on off-camera flash. Find the "101" series of advice snippets for some basic info. and there are some good more advanced tutorials on the how-and-why of two and three light systems.
  18. Good going! The one I like is the second one, where the Borders all have their front feet out in ready mode. They look like an aerobics class: "stretch forward and lower the spine". Clover: "Huh - why?"
  19. Congrats and good choice. We love ours too, not that I don't still want the D90 as soon as - but the D80 will be kept on. Which kit lens did it come with? What memory card/s did you get? The blossom and pup are lovely, I did blossoms today but card is still in camera, bin bizzy. When decyphering the small print in the manual becomes a pain, there is a very good D80 guide by David D. Busch, around $25-30, worth every cent.
  20. Teds said don't hold our breath til mid or late October - though they are sometimes the last to know. I just saw on a USA photog forum they've been told it's not off the assembly line yet, and mid November is more realistic. They usually get access before Australia does (but not always). So it is still gossip and hearsay, no solid availability known. I can wait. If you put a deposit down, maybe they could lend you a good point and shoot in the meantime for pup shots, worth asking.
  21. The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club have an "all welcome" lure coursing afternoon on Sunday, 12.00 til 3.00 at KCC Park. Usual rules for the day (as in Whatevah's post re the August run).
  22. That is really quite a good lens as far as kit lenses go. Keep telling yourself "don't use either end". If you go wide to 18, or long to 55, you will lose sharpness. Somewhere near 40-45 will give sharpest result. Let your feet be the zoom to get in closer. And to make it a real masochism job, force yourself to use a monopod or tripod for stability. You'll hate it, just persevere and you'll be glad you did. If still not happy with results, stamp you foot and go buy a new lens, the newer 28-200 is AFS with anti-shake. But again don't depend on best results at the "ends" of the range with any zooms. If you change the white balance don't forget to change it back under different light: same with ISO, if you up it because the light is dull it will probably increase the noise/grain in your shots. Turn it down to minimum again as soon as the light improves.
  23. That's a good price, Teds and the like are guessing about $1500 body only, $1800 with the kit lens. That is an okay lens too, and there is no point at all spending $1000 extra for a lens til you know a bit more of what you wish to do and can get picky about what is exactly right for you. Be sure of availability though before you order: as far as I've been able to find out, the D90 isn't in stores yet, won't be available til late October. Supply could be limited (as always) at first, so people are already on waiting lists at Teds and Michaels knowing it is about six weeks away. Let's know if you find out different.
  24. D40x has the same lens limitation as the D40 doesn't it? (AFS lenses only for auto-focus). Which kit lens are you using?
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