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  1. thanks for the comments guys. and yeah will change her diet to add more oily fish. good to know that you guys think she's fine!!! dakota is my first dog i've had thats mine, so trying to make sure i raise her right and she's taken care of.
  2. i think she is quite fine, sometimes i think she's abit on the skinny side but i don't think she's anorexic or anything!! she's a siberian husky so she eats practically everything and we feed her once a day (mixture of canned & dry, she goes on 40min walks daily and weekends me and my gf usually take her out and about around the city, parks or beaches where she (and us!) get pretty extensive exercise walking long distances. on the odd day i play chasey with her as she loves to run, she does more running then me, yard is about 60m long 20m wide so she has plenty of space to bolt all over the place... the reason i'm asking is some people have commented that she is quite skinny, i just thought she was lean. I have noticed other siberian huskies looking massive, making mine look less then adequate =( i know some people are comparing her to malamutes who are like 10x bigger! :lol: but it does have me worried that my beloved dakota may not be getting the right type of food! i think it MIGHT be from her mother, her dad was huge and so is her brother when I saw him a few months ago, but i remember her mum being quite small frame (breeder said she was a fully fledged sled racing dog) should i change her diet around? anyone recommend a good diet for her to get the best coat and build? heres the most recent pics i could find before she started her molting phase.
  3. with the chicken do you guys give it them raw or cooked? any recommendations on good bones to give a sibe?
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