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Can You Give Dogs Yakult?


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Rappie and others, can you give dogs yakult and is there any benefit in this?

My epileptic suffers from pica. Very recently I watched a video of a probe going into his osephagus and stomach. It was filled with muck and various things, primarily because he eats his feaces... and everyone elses plus rocks and twigs and whatever he can find.

Would he benefit from microbiotic therapy at all or would it be a waste? Can you give this to dogs?

Edited by Puggles
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After trying Yakult myself and having the most dreadful results I wouldn't feed it to one of mine!! ;)


I tried it successfully... has a taste like green cordial in milk...... but I didn't notice an improvement in anything so I stopped buying and my Oh had the same reaction as you (I am guessing :thumbsup: )

I would recommend going to the all natural vet at Russell Lea, they are amazing!

Dumb question... but where is Russell Lea? :p

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After trying Yakult myself and having the most dreadful results I wouldn't feed it to one of mine!! ;)


I tried it successfully... has a taste like green cordial in milk...... but I didn't notice an improvement in anything so I stopped buying and my Oh had the same reaction as you (I am guessing :thumbsup: )

I would recommend going to the all natural vet at Russell Lea, they are amazing!

Dumb question... but where is Russell Lea? :p

Poor hubby, poor you :p

Russell Lea is a small suburb between Drummoyne and Five Dock - just go straight down Lyons Road (off Victoria Rd).

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I would second the suggestion for Protexin - I frequently incorporate into my treatment of GIT issues.

I think it's beneficial if there's some suggestion of a problem but I'm not sure about the need for ongoing maintenance if there appears to be a balance. I've recently started taking Inner Health Plus capsule myself and I have noticed a difference in my general well being (couldn't face the thought of Yakult - all the drinking yoghurt I had as a teenager when I got braces has scarred me for life).

Edit to add: It shouldn't interfere with the meds.

Edited by Rappie
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My dogs get protexin too - I buy it from the horse supply place (vet tends to only keep little sachets = expensive)

Yukult had a lot of sugar in it last time I checked the ingreds... not what you want if you have a yeast issue in the first place.

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I think that Protexin only contains "safe" bacteria without fillers, the data sheet says very little about fillers.

I did get a bunch of information from Protexin (the overseas company) at the conference so I will check that out for you...*cough* when I find the kitchen bench :D They had a full range of products there, I'm not sure if they are coming to Australia soon but I think they would be useful for what you're after - especially the daily probiotic.

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Thanks. :D After he recently suffered with bromide toxicity I am even more cautious about what I give him.

His pica though is an issue as he eats the most disgusting things. I have to worm him every 3 months without fail as he eats his faeces and everyone elses and with rescues coming and going.... *sigh* He is disgusting but oh so cute too! I worry about how his gut handles all of the things he eats.

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Gracie had antibiotic induced nausea recently & wouldn't eat. The vet advised giving her Yakult to drink.

She lapped it up, with no adverse results. She eventually went back to eating normally so the Yakult was not a long term thing.

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I tend to think Rebound 3 would be better than protexin. It's mostly for horses but alot of G'hound trainers use it. It's exactly like yakult for animals. A smoothy like paste that is quite palatable. It's no where near as expensive as Protexin (liquid or Powder) either. 2 similair companies produce it - Oralx and Micro.

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