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What The Breeder Recommended.


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Finally we have our new puppy, Sophie, a long coat Chihuahua. She is 3 1/2 months old and just gorgeous. The breeder recommended Optimum puppy food for her. She feeds it to all her dogs and has never had a problem. After weeks of perusing this forum and wondering which food to use I have decided to take her advice. Does anyone else use Optimum?

We will also give her meaty bones and chicken necks as well.


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I suppose it depends on why the breeder recommends ONLY this particular food. If they receive sponsorship, then I'd question that advice - if not, then it may be that she's only ever used this food and hasn't bothered trying others for comparison. Personally, I wouldn't feed anything available in a supermarket perhaps with the exception of nature's gift canned and at a pinch, the Purina Sensitive to mix with another (higher quality) dry food, if I had to choose anything processed.

My dogs are all raw fed, but when they go into boarding, I'm forced into providing them a processed (dry) food or accepting what foods the kennels use (usually either HSD or Iams/Euk, none of which I will permit). When I do buy dry foods, I aim for Royal Canin for Lilly (it's the only processed food that doesn't result in explosive liquid poo, but still sees her with runny and copious poo and weight loss even over a week!)...Ruby and Molly can get by on Nutrience but I prefer them on Dick van Patten's Natural Balance Organic Formula (I haven't found a single stockist of DVPNBOF in Darwin).

I suppose a little research wouldn't go astray. That's how I decided to switch to a raw, whole foods diet in the first place. :) My dogs just do better on this approach and your pup may be fine on Optimum but it doesn't hurt to have a good look at what's in your dog's food choices and analyse what that really means to your dog's health. :)

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You don't want to make any changes to her diet immediately- it's best to stick with what the breeder has been feeding to minimise stress to the dog as she settles in . Settling in is enough to contend with.

There's so much info. on diets and everyone has their preferences. If you do decide on a change, just be sure to do it gradually over 3-5 days. I guess premium brands aren't that expensive in quantities for such a small dog.

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