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I'm So Proud Of Zoe!


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As most of you know, Zoe is dog aggressive. I gave up on the idea of trialling her in agility, and no longer take her to classes. She turns 9 yrs this month. I have been doing some work with her on walks from the book Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive dog by Emma Parsons. Modified focus work. Lately she has shown some improvement, and I have been able to pull into a driveway when we see another dog, and work with her. Often she will look at the dog, then look back at me for a click and treat :( Today, we were able to walk past two dogs without her getting aggressive! :o One was a pair of Beagles that were tied up right at the light crossing so we had no choice but to pass them (and they were making a ruckus, as only Beagles can :) ) and another was a crossbreed at the shops where there was nowhere else to pass. She just walked calmly past! I'm so happy!

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You should be feeling at least a little bit proud of yourself, too, kavik. :thumbsup: You have obviously put in the time and effort to acheive this result.

Congratulations to you and Zoe. I may not know you but I am sitting here with a big smile, feeling really happy for you.

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Congrats Kavik, it's a real achievement. :thumbsup:

I started my kelpie out with the techniques from Click to Calm and progressed to Brenda Aloff's "Aggression in Dogs" and we have had some huge leaps of success. It's a great feeling when you can finally take your dog for a walk without them reacting. While many people take walking their dog for granted, when you have a reactive dog, just getting around the block without a reaction is cause for celebration.

Keep up the good work!

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Congrats Kavik, it's a real achievement. :thumbsup:

I started my kelpie out with the techniques from Click to Calm and progressed to Brenda Aloff's "Aggression in Dogs" and we have had some huge leaps of success. It's a great feeling when you can finally take your dog for a walk without them reacting. While many people take walking their dog for granted, when you have a reactive dog, just getting around the block without a reaction is cause for celebration.

Keep up the good work!

superminty,do you recommend the Brenda Aloffs book over click to calm?I have the click to calm but might grab the other one if you think its a better read

Edited by 4 Paws
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It's a great feeling isn't it! The more confident you get, the better it gets too! I know exactly what you're feeling right now (i had a DA dog and was scared to take him anywhere - now we're doing obedience and he's doing fantastically!).

Yay for Zoe!!!!

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superminty,do you recommend the Brenda Aloffs book over click to calm?I have the click to calm but might grab the other one if you think its a better read
I'm interested in knowing what the book is like too :(

The Brenda Aloff book is AMAZING :( It covers some of the same stuff as Click to Calm (same principles) but goes much further. It's a big read and I use it more as a reference book, it covers both dog and human aggression issues so you can skip to the bits that are more relevant for your dog's situation. Definately worth the cost, I found Amazon had the best price.

Cannot recommend this book enough and she's coming out next year :( my hero :(

To be honest, I get a little something out of every book I read on aggression and incorporate what I like best into my training program, but the Brenda Aloff book is a great starting point.

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Kavik this is excellent news and a huge breakthrough for both you and Zoe. :( Never give up!

Personally, I think every dog trainer should own a DA dog and work with it. A big statement to make isn't it? But I truly believe you'll never know what it's like to be on the other side of the lead with these dogs unless you work with one that you have emotional ties with on a regular basis. Not just that, it's challenging and teaches you a hell of a lot about dogs.

I second Superminty's recommendation of the Brenda Aloff book. It's sensational and very indepth.

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Thats EXCELLENT Kavik!! :thumbsup:

I have always been especially respectful of your advice knowing your experience with Zoe. Its great to hear you have had progress!

And oh so inspiring!! Its very easy to shove these difficult dogs into the too hard basket and just "manage" them- I know I find it daunting. GOOD ON YOU!!

Ok, time to get on Amazon... :cheers:

Dont spose you guys could put down a list of the top 5 books helping with aggression?

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