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Sagewash - Does Anyone Use This?


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I found this article:


Something interesting that this article says is: In fact, household bleach, which is the most commonly used product for disinfection, has been shown to be useless against parvovirus and hepatitis, requiring further, specialist products to be purchased and used to maintain good health, safety and welfare practices. I've not heard that myself?

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I found this article:


Something interesting that this article says is: In fact, household bleach, which is the most commonly used product for disinfection, has been shown to be useless against parvovirus and hepatitis, requiring further, specialist products to be purchased and used to maintain good health, safety and welfare practices. I've not heard that myself?

Thanks for that sas. I don't know the science behind that claim, but it's a bit scarey, if true.

I note that the article you linked to goes on to say "Sagewashâ„¢ Sanitizer is changing the cleaning concept. Within 2 years of its launch in the USA, Sagewash Sanitizer is now used widely by ABKA members ( American Boarding Kennel Association) and is recognised as the number 1 hand held low pressure sanitizing system".

I wonder if Australian kennel owners and/or dog breeders are using this stuff, and if so, I'd love to see a post on here about what they think of it.

If the effectiveness is as good as it claims to be, I think this hand-held devise & its associated chemicals could be just the thing for a small quarantine area, which I am looking into setting up at home.

Look forward to hearing from other DOLers.

YLD :cry:

Edited by YappyLittleDawg
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