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When we first met Jorja the first thing she did was zoomies round and round and round dad and I... makes me dizzy just thinking about it. Then it became a nightly ritual when we were toilet training her which as you can imagine was great fun in at 2am in the pouring rain.

I love her doing zoomies but i do hold my breath when she tears around the corners of the house and hugs the fence line running through the bushes.. i worry she might get caught on a stray branch or something.

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Oberon ran into a tree doing zoomies last night. he yelped in pain like you wouldn't believe. Hurt his shoulder but is fine this morning. Poor thing. Wouldn't deny him zoomies though.

I got told I should call Lewis, George - as in - George, George George of the jungle, watch out for that tree............

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Is it possible to post a video clip of someones zoomies. Please do, can someone do it? :thumbsup::laugh::eek: Or a link to a video of zoomies.


Ahahaha Pug zoomies! That is a classic, laughed even harder when the Lab pup joined in and was keeping up LOL

My two have daily zoomy fests. Have too hold my breath a fair bit with Darcy, as he tends to try and take shortcuts and pass by things as close as he can.....not fun when those things a brick walls and a caravan!

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Sometimes I worry. Henschke and Jindi charge around the backyard which is complete with poles (for the clothesline and the carport) and I worry about him crashing into it, but he hasn't yet. It can sometimes can slippery under the carport due to it being cement and he sometimes slides when it's wet, but no sprains or cries yet. He doesn't appear to watch where he's going either.

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Funniest sight in ages.

My Stafford puppies (6 weeks old) are now outside in the "big dog" pen for the first time. The 10 week old American Cocker puppy is in there with them. She just realised how much room she had and took off....full-on zoomies....ears back, tail acting as a rudder, eyes all slitty and a HUGE grin on her face. As she was running, she was dive bombing each Stafford puppy in turn. They all decided to follow her, only their fat little legs don't go as quickly as hers and they definitely weren't going as quickly as the Stafford puppies thought they should be.

They all got snarly with each other and the entire pen erupted in a fit of snarls and growls and ferocious acting out.

Poor Bad Alice stopped dead and was looking at me as if to say "geeeeez, what did I do?" :champagne:

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