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Chastity Belt For Dogs


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Dexter Blanch invents chastity belt for dogs - http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0...5003402,00.html

A LOUISIANA man has come up with an unorthodox alternative to spaying and neutering dogs, MyFox National reported.

According to a report by AOLNews , 51-year-old Dexter Blanch created a strap-on chastity belt for dogs.

PABS, or Pet Anti Breeding System, is a belt made of polypropylene that consists of an eight-buckle locking system and a washable mesh pad for female dogs.

Mr Blanch is not against neutering or spaying. He supports it most of the time.

“In some cases, it is a health risk for the dog. In other cases, the pet owner is squeamish about putting the dog through surgery. And then there are people who plan one day to breed their pet,” he says.

The Northeast Arkansas For Animals web site states that 70,000 puppies and kittens are born every day in the US. With an estimate of 10,000 babies being born in this country, the ratio is uneven and results in potential pets being euthanased.

AOLNews reports that Kathleen Makolinski, director of veterinary outreach at the ASPCA, says that spaying and neutering is still the most favorable option for pets.

One turn-off for pet owners might be the fact that they have to wash the reusable pad in the belt though, but the apparatus lets dogs do every other bodily function except the obvious.

Mr Blanch says, "I love my dogs. But when they're in heat, you can't keep them inside because it's messy. And you can't keep them outside, because when they get in that way they'll chew through any fence to get out."

He thinks that cleaning the pad is no different than picking up after your dog.

PABS may have a future with other animals too. Mr Blanch is also in discussion with a Turkish man about a chastity belt for camels, but nothing has been created yet according to AOLNews .

The PABS slogan is "When the heat is on, lock it, and stop it."

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Mr Blanch says, "I love my dogs. But when they're in heat, you can't keep them inside because it's messy. And you can't keep them outside, because when they get in that way they'll chew through any fence to get out."

I guess he's never heard of crates, individual runs and secure fencing. What a prize idiot that one is

ETA: and pants for girls in season have been around for years

Edited by SBT123
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And left on a bitch for hours, how is the poor thing supposed to urinate without ending up wearing something soaked in her own urine. The discomfort and hygiene issues don't bear thinking about.

Secure or desex.. it's not that hard for pity's sake. :laugh:

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