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500,000 To Keep Dog On Death Row.


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Here is latest from Gold Coast Bulletin for what it is worth


Couple's dog fight on shaky ground

Melinda Marshall | April 6th, 2010

A COUPLE'S six-year, $500,000 fight to keep their dog on the Gold Coast is on shaky ground after they today lost their court battle.

Their dog Tango was ruled to be an American pit bull - a breed not allowed to be housed on the Gold Coast.

But this afternoon, the council handballed the issue back to the State Government, saying they would take no further action for now.

Kylie Chivers and John Mokomoko had taken on the Gold Coast City Council in the Supreme Court over the identification of their dog as an American pit bull, as opposed to an American staffordshire terrier.

However, Judge J Martin today ruled Tango was an American pit bull. Under council's by-laws the dog is now deemed dangerous and needs to be put down.

Councillor Bob La Castra, at a press conference this afternoon, said the court's decision confirmed the position the Gold Coast Council had taken.

He called on the Queensland Government to clarify whether American staffordshire terriers should be treated the same as pit bulls, saying no further action would be taken until the State Government made their intentions known.

``We will just, pardon the pun, be chasing our tail until such time as we know what the State Government ruling is,'' he said.

To keep the animal safe the family moved it to a kennel just south of Tweed Heads more than five years ago, where it could be registered as an American staffordshire terrier.

Today's decision could have wider ramifications for thousands of dog owners who believed their American staffordshire terriers were a different breed and not subject to the same dangerous breed by-laws.

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But that is terrible..

Does this mean it could well be open slather for bully breed in the coming years? Also if the state does declare amstaffs as pitbulls will they brutally purge them like they did with pitbulls?

I'm shocked and saddened for the family of this dog and the others should the worst come to pass

-- Lhok

edit for spelling

Edited by Lhok
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Tybrax do we have any confirmed ruling on this yet ? as a couple of the newspapers are stating the battle has been lost but i thought we would have definite confirmation on this in here . I did notice on another post that you would post results when public notice had been given .

I am seriously scared if the rumors are true , my blood is boiling .

can they still move interstate with the dog ?? can we do anything more at all to help .... because obviously if they rule in the councils favor theres gonna be a change to the councils legislation and a huge uproar is there anything us dolers can do to throw a spanner in the works ?

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Yes... poor Tango. And they mentioned that the RSPCA has now thrown in their support to 'punish the deed, not the breed'. I can only hope that is true, and they are going to live up to their motto of helping creatures great and small...

The story on Today Tonight on Tango made me cry. I can't imagine what this family has been through, never given up - not just for one dog, but for all dogs across Australia. I can't imagine the ramifications... or maybe I just don't want to.

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Here is latest from Gold Coast Bulletin for what it is worth


Couple's dog fight on shaky ground

Melinda Marshall | April 6th, 2010

A COUPLE'S six-year, $500,000 fight to keep their dog on the Gold Coast is on shaky ground after they today lost their court battle.

Their dog Tango was ruled to be an American pit bull - a breed not allowed to be housed on the Gold Coast.

But this afternoon, the council handballed the issue back to the State Government, saying they would take no further action for now.

Kylie Chivers and John Mokomoko had taken on the Gold Coast City Council in the Supreme Court over the identification of their dog as an American pit bull, as opposed to an American staffordshire terrier.

However, Judge J Martin today ruled Tango was an American pit bull. Under council's by-laws the dog is now deemed dangerous and needs to be put down.

Councillor Bob La Castra, at a press conference this afternoon, said the court's decision confirmed the position the Gold Coast Council had taken.

He called on the Queensland Government to clarify whether American staffordshire terriers should be treated the same as pit bulls, saying no further action would be taken until the State Government made their intentions known.

``We will just, pardon the pun, be chasing our tail until such time as we know what the State Government ruling is,'' he said.

To keep the animal safe the family moved it to a kennel just south of Tweed Heads more than five years ago, where it could be registered as an American staffordshire terrier.

Today's decision could have wider ramifications for thousands of dog owners who believed their American staffordshire terriers were a different breed and not subject to the same dangerous breed by-laws.

The ruling was that Tango is a Pitbull NOT that a Pitbull and Amstaff is the same breed.

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People with pedigree dogs with papers, don't think you are safe from this scurge, OK your dog mightn't he taken off you like this one, but eventually they will make all medium to giant breeds be muzzled in public & never allowed off lead. BSL coming to your location, be afraid people & fight for our dogs lives.

Edited by mantis
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Here is latest from Gold Coast Bulletin for what it is worth


Couple's dog fight on shaky ground

Melinda Marshall | April 6th, 2010

A COUPLE'S six-year, $500,000 fight to keep their dog on the Gold Coast is on shaky ground after they today lost their court battle.

Their dog Tango was ruled to be an American pit bull - a breed not allowed to be housed on the Gold Coast.

But this afternoon, the council handballed the issue back to the State Government, saying they would take no further action for now.

Kylie Chivers and John Mokomoko had taken on the Gold Coast City Council in the Supreme Court over the identification of their dog as an American pit bull, as opposed to an American staffordshire terrier.

However, Judge J Martin today ruled Tango was an American pit bull. Under council's by-laws the dog is now deemed dangerous and needs to be put down.

Councillor Bob La Castra, at a press conference this afternoon, said the court's decision confirmed the position the Gold Coast Council had taken.

He called on the Queensland Government to clarify whether American staffordshire terriers should be treated the same as pit bulls, saying no further action would be taken until the State Government made their intentions known.

``We will just, pardon the pun, be chasing our tail until such time as we know what the State Government ruling is,'' he said.

To keep the animal safe the family moved it to a kennel just south of Tweed Heads more than five years ago, where it could be registered as an American staffordshire terrier.

Today's decision could have wider ramifications for thousands of dog owners who believed their American staffordshire terriers were a different breed and not subject to the same dangerous breed by-laws.

The ruling was that Tango is a Pitbull NOT that a Pitbull and Amstaff is the same breed.

No. The ruling was the APBT and the Amstaff are one in the same dog. Therefor Tango,though proven to be an Amstaff,is still an APBT and held accountable under the BSL regulations.

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I can't see how Kylie Chivers can appeal, as she produced evidence that the Amstaff and the APBT were the same breed.

What grounds would there by for appeal?

Adding more breeds to the bans was only a matter of time. I thought the staffy would be next, but apparently not.

It's up to councils now. Some will, some wont. If I had an amstaff, I'd be legging it out of GCCC area as fast as I could go

I have posted the Supreme Court judgment in the BSL forum for anyone who is interested. It's not the evidence, it's the judgement only, which is the important part.

Edited by Jed
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Especially the last bit (45)

I don't know. It could be possible to fight as the evidence used is just one persons opinion about the history of the two breeds. It could be possible to find someone else to argue that they are not the same.

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The problem is that it was the applicant's evidence, not the defendents.

And there were 2 experts who stated the same thing. There are plenty of experts who would state the opposite, but I am not sure whether you can appeal by saying "our evidence was wrong, we have opposing evidence" because I don\t know enough about the rules for appeals.

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Once again the world has gone nuts

Tango looked like a great dog

I don't get though. If QLD said he was a pittbull to start with and he is being

boarded in NSW where pittbulls are banned. How can he stay in NSW without causing

a fuss in that State?

Just feel sad for Tango and amazing people for putting up a fight.

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Council has passed the buck onto the state gov.

Logan Timms has stated he cannot comment as he has not read the submission but would like to hear from people with there concerns.

Logan Timms State gov,

[email protected]. The Department’s postal address is PO Box 15031, City East, Queensland 4002.


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this result is exactly what the people who oppose bull breeds wanted.. in fact i would go so far as to assume this is where the GCC wanted the case to go::: prove the dog is an amstaff then argue that pitbulls and amstaffs are in fact the same breed therefore all amstaffs are pitbulls and therefore banned...

circuitous but it has used our own arguments against bsl against us.. all those who stand by and say that this will not spread t other breeds beware and take note... satffies their crosses and in fact all mastiff breeds are immediately in danger

my heart aches for the sheer bloody minded injustice of all this

a pox on all their houses to quote the bard himself.


in memory of jake....

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