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Proposed New Victorian Dog Laws Dead Wrong


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How do you find out whether the Bill was debated and passed or rejected by the Upper House? I checked Hansard, but I can only search for discussions up until 6th May. Surely I don't have to wait 2 weeks to find out the outcome of the debate and/or if in fact it took place at all, do I?

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Thanks Casster17. I tried googling as well and Hansard only shows debates/statements up until 6th May, from what I can tell.

I'm hoping I didn't make a mistake by emailing the MLC's (Upper House). I'm a bit confused now, as to whether the debate at Lower House level was completed and whether the Bill was actually passed at that level. If it wasn't then I think that means I should have emailed to all the MP's (lower house).

I hate political stuff - trying to work out how it runs does my head in.

If the debate wasn't finished at Lower House level and if the debate was again adjourned, I'll be emailing all the Lower House MP's tomorrow.



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Thanks Mike.

I've specifically linked (below) your response to Govt in Opposition to these proposed amendments. I thought it was very well set out and concise. The way I'd prefer my contribution to have been, but just couldn't find the time to get into the mindset of it, and needed some time without the interruptions that have been necessary for me these past number of days. I'm putting it here because some people might miss your link to it.

Goodfordogs Response to Bill

Troy - I'm not sure if I'm breaking any forum rules by linking this : I tried a copy/paste but I lost all the formatting and it made it laborious to read. Please let me know if you want me to do different than what I have.

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Good on you for getting people to take notice of this Erny. I posted about it in "In the News' on May 7, and hardly anybody seemed worried about it. :dancingelephant:

In fact Jed was one of the only ones who seemed to think there was a problem with these laws. :happydance2:

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Thanks Wendy. Steve (MDBA) has contributed as well. But we'll need more than that. We CAN head them off at the pass, if we get enough people driven to put pen to paper.

Although individual letters are the best, I acknowledge that some people find that too hard (time poor; don't like writing letters .... mind you, I don't particularly like to write them either).

So what I propose here is that every person who wants to help in at least one way could write a simple covering letter - something like the following :

Covering email letter :

"Dear Parliamentary Member

I support and endorse the objections and content encompassed in the attached response to Government by Good for Dogs and would ask that you not only accept these points as though they were my own writing, but also take on board and heed the refutes and information it provides, as though it was I who was the author – BEFORE the

Government proceeds to passing of yet even more laws that are flawed and which have the tendency to target the responsible people and not those who are the mainstay causes for community interference by their own dogs; and which do NOT and have not had any effect on the lowering of bite statistics; nor which embraces the ideology of “education”. “

Attachment to email :

With your email, attach the GoodforDogs response - the link for this is http://www.goodfordogs.org/blog/wp-content...nse_to_Bill.pdf .

And this is the Member of Legislative Assembly contact list which will give you all the names, addresses and email addresses you can send to (the more the merrier).

Legislative Assembly (Vic) Member Contact List

Of course, the "GoodforDogs" well thought out response may actually make sense to you of what the proposals are and how they are likely to (adversively) affect us, to the degree that you might like to take from that and formulate your own individual response. That would be great, but at the very least, please respond to Government one way or the other. Better something than nothing at all.

Cheers, and let's band together to fight this now. Once the law is passed the effort to change it when we see and experience the wrongs that it will cause, will be a far greater task than the one at hand.

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I am happy to help and am about to send this to my parliamentary member...

Other then the attachment do i need to include anything else??? ei my address, or is my name ok????

Hi Casster17 - I can only presume that full details such as name AND address would lend more weight (unless you don't have a Victorian residential address).

And if you can send the same as a group email to not only your own MP but as many others as possible, that will help even more so.

Thanks :rofl:

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I've sent my email to every member of the Legislative Assembly (lower house).

I hope Government appreciate that we think this SO important as to take time away from work which will generate income.


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I've made it as easy as I can for everyone to make the effort with the least amount of effort :).

I'm hoping people will take advantage of this, although I note this thread is awfully quiet. :rofl:

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Erny, I sent my letter to each of the email contacts on your list :)

I don't know about everyone else, but I reckon you should be commended and awarded for all your efforts not just for this campaign but also for all your efforts with the PPCollar work as well.

You're an angel Erny and a huge medal goes out to you!!! :rofl:

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Thanks Kelpie-i, but apart from doing some pushing and shoving (:rofl:) to try to get people motivated and in some ways to try to make it easier for them to understand what's going on; how it will affect; and what to do ...... in this instance I don't think I've dedicated myself as much as I have in the past on the PPCollar campaign.

In fact, I was very relieved to find "GoodforDogs" blog site and that someone had at least documented a really good response - whereas mine was done in haste (a "better something than nothing" attempt).

I think GoodforDogs have been putting a considerable amount of work into this, so they should be the one/s commended.

ETA: I also thank you for posting, as I am sure people would be getting sick of me *bumping* this thread.

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Erny, I sent my letter to each of the email contacts on your list :laugh:

I don't know about everyone else, but I reckon you should be commended and awarded for all your efforts not just for this campaign but also for all your efforts with the PPCollar work as well.

You're an angel Erny and a huge medal goes out to you!!! :laugh:

absolutely. good work Erny, I really like 'doers'. Not enough around anymore. :happydance2::cheers::heart::laugh::laugh:

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I wasn't going to post because people will be sick of seeing my name as the last response.

But I couldn't resist saying :happydance2: and :cheers: and thanks, CavNrott. :laugh:

I actually came in to do a *bump* (although just to break the monotony I was going to *cough* instead, :heart:). It was great to see a new post waiting instead :laugh:.

ETA: Oooh!! And Chewbacca - thanks for coming in with the encouragement :laugh:.

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The Government have the majority in the Lower house (Legislative Assembly) but do not in the Upper House (Legislative Council)

It is really important to focus also on the Upper House, particularly all of the opposition. It could be stopped there.

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