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Dog Eating Lemon Grass


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I'm glad my dogs have not discovered the joys of lemon grass! I have a lovely big clump. I would not mind sharing but I would not want them to eat it all. :)

Here is some quick google info about medicinal qualities.

As a medicinal herb, lemon grass is mildly diuretic and a stimulant tonic. The herb promotes digestion of fats, and in Ayurvedic medicine a preparation of lemon grass with pepper has been used for relief of menstrual troubles and nausea.

The herb stimulates perspiration, cooling the body in summer and lowering fevers any time of year. Lemon grass is well known a mild insect repellent (citronella) and the essential oil is used in perfumery.

Edited by sidoney
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My dogs haven't eaten lemon grass as I dont have it growing, but they really like the dried leaves that have fallen off the lemon tree.


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I'm a bit late, but all of my dogs love lemon grass and it gives them lovely fresh breath.

They will pull a few stems out and run off to munch on them on the grass.

Doesn't seem to hurt them, and the oldest has been doing regularly it for 13 years.

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