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Ziwipeak For My 7months Japanese Spitz Puppy?


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Hi everyone. My boy- a 7 months old Japanese Spitz is now on Hill's Science puppy at the moment but I have decided to give him something more nutritious than Hills. After reading many articles, I am thinking Ziwipeak might be good for him. My question is: which flavor should I give him (fish, lamb, venison)?? I am going to feed him just Ziwipeak...any idea what other food I can add on to his diet?? Can puppy tolerate Ziwipeak or it'll be too rich for him?

Thanks everyone.

Edited by scarletissimo
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My two have tried Ziwipeak when they were puppies and they were fine. Loved the taste and no digestive issues. Of course, every dog is different.

I would consider Ziwipeak to be an excellent food, and if I could no longer feed raw for some reason, would feed it instead to my dogs (if I can afford it). What flavour, is a personal preference, I would believe :) As for what else you can add onto his diet, perhaps try some raw meaty bones?

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I have previously fed Ziwipeak to both adults and puppies with no issues. The main reason we no longer feed is that I now have 8 dogs and it is a little $$$ for a crowd.

Flavour will be a matter of preference, some owners may get put off by the smell of the venison product.

You could add items such as chicken wings, neck to the diet.

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