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Oh Minister ....


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Yes isn't this a disgrace. The whole dishonesty that was displayed by this person during the tail docking fiasco was unbelievable. All the submissions were in vain as he had given instruction to the Dept. to work out how to implement a ban before even receiving submissions.

The last 12 months seeing this person finally exposed for what he is comes a bit too late.

Obviously we should have invited him to lunches, dinners, danced naked on tables etc., and we may have had a different result.

Nancy Keck

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Yes isn't this a disgrace. The whole dishonesty that was displayed by this person during the tail docking fiasco was unbelievable. All the submissions were in vain as he had given instruction to the Dept. to work out how to implement a ban before even receiving submissions.

The last 12 months seeing this person finally exposed for what he is comes a bit too late.

Obviously we should have invited him to lunches, dinners, danced naked on tables etc., and we may have had a different result.

Nancy Keck

Oi! Souff isn't about to dance naked on any tables, but dancing on a political grave sounds really good. :laugh:

Deals, stinking deals ... and we were sold up the river by this grub.

Karma gets them in the end but there was a lot of damage done while he was in power.

He was not held in high regard by many of those who knew him apparently so now it is ...

"Bye bye Biggles and Sir Lunchalot!"


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I thought Tony Kelly was the minister who actually signed off on it.

He was a crook too, & resigned in disgrace.

I would never say that Kelly didn't have a paw in it somewhere, but it was Ian MacDonald who was the Minister for Primary Industries and who put the bill through the Upper House of Parliament, then Premier Carr recalled Parliament for the million dollar sideshow of puppets, most of whom would not know a dog from a fog, and so it went through the Lower House, on the same day as the Stamp Duty reforms.


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