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"a Dog's Breakfast" ... I Don't Think So Rebecca


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Kevin Rudd's daughter Jessica is flying home from Beijing for a family meeting about whether her father should contest the Labor leadership ballot.

Ms Rudd is encouraging people to overlook the messy situation and get involved in democracy.

"Tomorrow, when I fly in, I'm coming home to a political situation that most Australians think is a dog's breakfast," she wrote in a blog on the website Mamma Mia today.


A dog's breakfast ?


As far as I am concerned, none of them involved are worth feeding, though I can understand that is not how Jessica might view it.

The canine crew here eat far better!

If any of this disgusting mess was on the menu they would rightfully walk away I am sure. :laugh:


Edited by Souff
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Confession. 15 years in Oz made me love Australian slang. I think 'dog's breakfast' should be interpreted to mean what in the USA we'd call 'mish-mash'. It has nothing to do with dogs (although mish-mash breakfasts may be traditional dog breakfasts for som colourful elements of Australia's population). Picky, picky, picky. Worth ignoring. So someone uses widely used slang. Why take it as a comment relating to dogs? As intended, I'd say the situation is a dog's breakfast . . . and it has nothing to do with dogs.


Kevin Rudd's daughter Jessica is flying home from Beijing for a family meeting about whether her father should contest the Labor leadership ballot.

Ms Rudd is encouraging people to overlook the messy situation and get involved in democracy.

"Tomorrow, when I fly in, I'm coming home to a political situation that most Australians think is a dog's breakfast," she wrote in a blog on the website Mamma Mia today.


A dog's breakfast ?


As far as I am concerned, none of them involved are worth feeding, though I can understand that is not how Jessica might view it.

The canine crew here eat far better!

If any of this disgusting mess was on the menu they would rightfully walk away I am sure. :laugh:


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As far as I am concerned, none of them involved are worth feeding, though I can understand that is not how Jessica might view it.

The canine crew here eat far better!

If any of this disgusting mess was on the menu they would rightfully walk away I am sure. :laugh:


Hah, if only the politics in this country were as fresh and healthy as what my dog eats for breakfast!

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Confession. 15 years in Oz made me love Australian slang. I think 'dog's breakfast' should be interpreted to mean what in the USA we'd call 'mish-mash'. It has nothing to do with dogs (although mish-mash breakfasts may be traditional dog breakfasts for som colourful elements of Australia's population). Picky, picky, picky. Worth ignoring. So someone uses widely used slang. Why take it as a comment relating to dogs? As intended, I'd say the situation is a dog's breakfast . . . and it has nothing to do with dogs.

Hi Sandgrugger :wave: . In defence of Souff, I read her OP as a spin on the saying, not that she was taking literally or misunderstanding what the Ex-PM's daughter was expressing.

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I always understood "A dogs breakfast" or "A dogs Dinner" to imply the mess that was strewn about as the dog eats rather than the quality of the contents.

Either way, I don't think either party could "Organise a piss up in a Brewery" at the moment. ;)

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Either way, I don't think either party could "Organise a piss up in a Brewery" at the moment. ;)

:rofl: Or a tango in a brothel with a million bucks. There's been more noise in Parliament over the last week than 'a dunny door banging in a cyclone'

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Either way, I don't think either party could "Organise a piss up in a Brewery" at the moment. ;)

:rofl: Or a tango in a brothel with a million bucks. There's been more noise in Parliament over the last week than 'a dunny door banging in a cyclone'

Absolutely right. And they just love to play the games while we are the mugs paying their wages!

We are the shareholders and yet they think we have to cop all of their lies and spin and self interest. In the real world in a business scenario where they properly earned their money, they would have been booted out by now.

Their generous superannuation is the real reason that they are keeping themselves there ... and not tossing out the grub who used workers funds to pay for prostitutes.

Karma, where are you?


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I'd rather the media use terms like "dogs breakfast" or even "dog vomit" to describe the political suituaton than terms like "war" and related terms. It's not like the loser gets taken out and shot. Though I suspect if the labor party is to survive they may have to expell the Rudd. Kind of remindes me of when the democrats were stuck with a choice of a leader popularily elected but one their elected reps couldn't work with for reasons of their own. And nobody put the interests of the country or the party first.

That's what I don't like about K Rudd, he has always put his own interests ahead of anything else. Starting with the world need for pollution control. If the big polluters don't do it - why should Australia? Erm.

1. because the whole world needs it including Australia

2. because if we go first - we get the jump on technical innovation - and we can sell that to everyone else.

But no, Kevin can't do it because it would make Kevin unpopular. Of course not doing it (and all the other stuff he promised) also made him very unpopular but he seems to have forgotten why he was rolled in the first place. And that most Australians do not get to vote for him (or Julia) anyway.

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I'd rather the media use terms like "dogs breakfast" or even "dog vomit" to describe the political suituaton than terms like "war" and related terms.

When you've got at least one rotten apple in a box it's not too long before the whole lot become inedible

.... and my dog's breakfast looks a whole lot better! :thumbsup:


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