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Stupid Owner ... Me!


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Just got home from a brief shopping trip to find that my 3 Border Terriers have seized the moment and dived into a new, unopened and still packed in its cardboard box, bag of Earthborn Holistic grain-free kibble which arrived yesterday and which I had put in the spare room until I could deal with it.....door to spare room is usually closed, but obviously I had left it open when I went out earlier :mad Don't know exactly how much they ate...

Anyway, all dogs, including 6-month old puppy who was due to be shown tomorrow, all look like about-to-burst balloons and didn't even come near me when I was cleaning up all the kibble off the floor...they're all rather quiet at the moment and spread out on the back porch keeping a low profile I think :(

I've taken away the water bowl - is that the right thing to do? And will watch them like a hawk for the next few hours; but is there anything else I can do to make their next few hours a little more comfortable... the word bloat keeps springing to mind and I'm a bit worried. I've left a message for my vet to call me when she can, but any advice from all you knowledgeable people out there would be appreciated.

I'm now off to hit myself over the head with a rolled-up newspaper...remember to close the door to the spare room, silly woman :eek: :eek:

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I would open a few windows, it won't make them more comfortable but it will make you more comfortable while you are watching them.

Coconut broke into the dog food fridge a couple of days ago and ate over a kilo of meat. She was very uncomfortable that night, but she is ok now.

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I let my girl drink small amounts regularly when she gorged on dry food.

Although the last time she did it I took her to the vets to vomit because she couldnt even waddle by the time I found her let alone lie down :eek: My kibble is now kept behind a door with a circular handle :o

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limit water but dont deprive them totally, it needs water to soften and pass through.

Get ready for some massive poos! My rottie ate 5kg of royal canin once, he wasnt fed for 2 days. Despite looking like a pregnant cow he still somehow managed to pull the 'I'm starving' face :laugh:

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limit water but dont deprive them totally, it needs water to soften and pass through.

Get ready for some massive poos! My rottie ate 5kg of royal canin once, he wasnt fed for 2 days. Despite looking like a pregnant cow he still somehow managed to pull the 'I'm starving' face :laugh:

OK - still watching and waiting :confused: And I hadn't planned on feeding them tonight...or tomorrow... :D

Thanks for the advice so far, everyone!

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Years ago my then- housemate's 6 month old cocker puppy got into our pantry and consumed copious amounts of kibble. Vet had to slice him open because it compacted as it absorbed moisture from the intestine and could have killed him. Not sure I'd wait. Think I'd want to take them to the vet and get the vet to induce vomiting.

At the very least, prod them every so often. If one whimpers when you try to pat them on the back, straight off to the vet.

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Toshman, how are the criminals feeling today?

Thanks for your interest, minimax! The Teletubbies (as they have been re-christened :laugh: ) are all fine today....I even took the pup to her scheduled show down at Berry after I checked her waistline this morning (and she won an 8-point BOB for her first championship points - YAY :thumbsup: ).

I did have to pick up some monumental poos just now, though!

Despite the fact that they all would have had very full tummies yesterday afternoon, I still had three BTs standing round in the kitchen at 5 o'clock wondering where their dinner was...opportunistic, aren't they? And we all had a rather restless night 'cos every time I heard a sound from one of them I rushed them all out to the back yard in case they needed to get rid of some of the 'extra burden'.

So all is well, and I shall remember to close the spare room door from now on..... :) :)

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