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Leaving Clam Shells With Water In Dog Runs


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It's going to be 39 in Melbourne tomorrow & I just spoke to my daughter & asked if she was leaving a clam shell in her dogs run, while she was at work. She said no, because her OH won't leave the dogs unsupervised with one. :confused:

I said they aren't babies, they aren't going to drown, but she said her OH would still say no. I told her to slap her OH & just put the damn thing in there. :laugh:

Do other people leave water for their dogs to lie in on hot days when they aren't home?

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I leave the clam shell with water but only a 3 or 4 inches, just enough to wet the belly.

Not so much for the dogs safety but just in case a child wanders into the yard - unlikely as it is fenced and you have to go through the house to get into the back yard..

I know the bucket is more of a danger for children but that is my thinking.

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Our dogs have a clam shell every day during the hot months along with 3 large concrete water containers. The risk of the Lab trashing all the water containers to paddle if he is hot is higher than the risks of leaving them with the paddle pool IMO.

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I work night shift so my dogs are inside with me during the day but I always worried about clamshells and dogs doing zoomies through them then hurting themselves by slipping etc. This is in a back yard not just in a dog run. In a dog run I wouldn't worry.

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It depends on how big the dogs were. Mine won't go near water but if they did I wouldn't leave one out as my adult girl might struggle to actually get out of it. If I had a medium sized dog I'd have no issue with it.

Also, if the dog is allergic to bees I wouldn't leave it out as they attract them. Same with being in a country area. Water = snakes.

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I leave the clam shell with water but only a 3 or 4 inches, just enough to wet the belly.

Not so much for the dogs safety but just in case a child wanders into the yard - unlikely as it is fenced and you have to go through the house to get into the back yard..

I know the bucket is more of a danger for children but that is my thinking.

My daughter lives in Cockatoo, so no chance of kids wandering in, plus they are in a dog run. I told her to put some plastic containers in the freezer tonight, so she can put some in the shell & some in their drinking bowl.

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Yes mine have a clamshell pool in the backyard under the deck. Maddie likes to stand in it, Stan won't go near it.

:laugh: why am I not surprised? :laugh:

Ours wont go in either :confused: they just use it as a big water bowl but I still leave it as it stays cool and is too big for them to flip over and empty

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I have a clamshell out for my guys all year round. They know exactly what to use it for - each time we are playing in the yard and they have been running around and get hot, they jump in and cool off then back to running around the yard. And when we return from walks - straight into the pool! (being their clamshell)

They do also use it as a big drinking bowl....

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Yep I do and I leave them with the dogs at the kennels as well. Excpetions being small dogs, elderly or arthritic dogs and those that suffer from epilepsy.

For those that cannot have clam shells or refuse to use them, I freeze the big plastic juice bottles full of water, wrap them in a towel and leave them on their bed. I find drapped puppy dogs that are passed out fast asleep and not panting :)

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Yes mine have a clamshell pool in the backyard under the deck. Maddie likes to stand in it, Stan won't go near it.

:laugh: why am I not surprised? :laugh:

Ours wont go in either :confused: they just use it as a big water bowl but I still leave it as it stays cool and is too big for them to flip over and empty

:laugh: When I start filling it he takes off like it's the scariest thing in the world. I think he thinks he's getting a bath but seeing I own my own hydrobath I don't know why. Who knows what goes on in Stanley's head :laugh:

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