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Zig Isn't Well


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My SBT seems to also know a non-dog lover when she sees them and does her utmost to lick and paw them into loving her. It often has the opposite effect but she still gives it a shot! I'm allergic to cats and stayed out at Ams one night and despite all the dogs that could've come and slept with me I had to share my bed with 2 cats! They are sneaky and seem to know non-cat people too.....

Stitches came out this morning on both my dogs and they are outside catching some winter rays like nothing happened!

Glad our Zig-a-Zig is better and has pooped!

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If you aren't into poo and what lovely things it can tell you, don't get involved in rescue... lol!

A friend of mine was so excited to tell me about a fairly rare worm her dog had produced (she even had photos!) - because she knew I wouldn't flinch and go "eww yuck". It was a very awesome worm by the way... errr!


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He is back to his old self..

I went to the butchers to get his weekly bone stash and was telling the lass there that he had been sick (he was in the car once when I went over and she came out to meet him), so she gave him some really nice beef ribs to go with his lamb ribs, chook frames and wings.

I gave him one of the beef ribs (which are loaded with meat) when I got home and he scoffed it - so looks like his appetite is back to normal.

He just ate 150g roo for dinner and that went down fine as well.

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I love the things DOLers get excited about. :laugh:

I know :laugh:

Lili had a bout of Colitis a few months ago and we were trying to get fluids into her as she was dehydrated and she wasn't drinking on her own.

The moment she took a drink on her own, OH and I were jumping around like idiots :laugh: same with the first solid poo.

Good to hear Zig is back to normal :)

Edited by Aussie3
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A DOLer friend (not on here often) recently had major surgery and all her doggy friends on FB were making comments about her getting desexed, not licking her stitches or she'd have to wear the cone of shame and only being able to show in a certain class from now on. Her non-doggy friends thought we were being a little disrespectful and not taking things seriously. As a breeder/shower she thought it was hilarious!

Glad Zig has his appetite back. It's the little things sometimes!

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