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Anal Polyp


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My 10 year old lab has an anal polyp which has become bigger over the last week. We have decided to get it removed. The vet said that one of the risks is she could become incontinent.

Has anybody had a similar operation performed on their dog and how did it all go?

The other thing is how did you manage the wound, stitches and going to the toilet? I assume she will be on antibiotics after the operation.


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My 10 year old lab has an anal polyp which has become bigger over the last week. We have decided to get it removed. The vet said that one of the risks is she could become incontinent.

Has anybody had a similar operation performed on their dog and how did it all go?

The other thing is how did you manage the wound, stitches and going to the toilet? I assume she will be on antibiotics after the operation.


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I have not had a dog with this condition but what I can say is that if this is removed make sure you send it to the lab for pathology. It probably isnt cancerous but even oncologists dont take a stab in the dark and say it is nothing to worry about. When you get something like this removed ALWAYS send it to the lab no matter what you vet might think it is. This saved my dog Frodos life as my vet got his educated guess wrong. Sorry about the above post hit the wrong button and couldnt delete it

Edited by smiley4444
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Thanks for replying. Obviously, it is not that common to get polyps removed from the anus.

She had the surgery on Tuesday and apart from the first night where I had to stop her from scooting she has been fine.

I have been feeding her roughage like psyllium, carrots and bananas to make sure she doesn't get constipated. Toileting hasn't been an issue but I have been keeping an eye on it.. The stitches are dissolving and mainly internal so she won't need to get them removed.

The vet said that the lump seemed unusual and appeared to have grainy anal gland tissue in it. Lump was no where near the anal glands so I opted to get the pathology done. Still waiting for the results. Hopefully, it will be ok.

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