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Small Terrier X At Ldh Melbs

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Hi all,

I'm not a rescuer but came across this little dog in my travels. An acquaintance went in, met him and did a meet and greet with her toddler and dog. Her little female dog is quite nervous and didn't warm to him, though he was fine with her, happy to give her space etc. He also seemed very good with her toddler. He's not old at 5-6 yrs. Small and a cute scruffer so surely he's pretty adoptable?

The reason I'm posting him in here is because he has a few skin issues that would be cleared or managed with proper care and the fear of him being at the lost dogs home in Melbourne.


He seems like a great candidate for a smaller rescue group - as in he seems like the kind of dog many potential adoptees would have be requesting.

Anyhoo, was just hoping for a good result for this little guy as he is my type of dog but I'm full up atm!

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I know, he's lovely - I have schnauzers so he really is my kind of dog! Unfortunately I live in an apartment and have too many animals already.

The skin issues will be fine with management and then a regular flea routine, it seems more of a neglect cause than anything - allowing fleas to run rampant and cause secondary problems.

I don't think he's an urgent rescue, but with the Ldh you never know...

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last I checked LDH don't work with rescue orgs so this guys best chance will be for someone to adopt him directly from the shelter. (unless something has changed since last month's vigil and current inquiry into LDH's processes and procedures)

He's very cute, I could imagine you could get him looking like a very handsome schnauzer with the right hair cut

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