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Valentines Shooting - At The Refuge


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Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge are doing a Valentines Day promo for their staffy crosses (because as usual, there are a heap of them).

Anyway, over the past few weeks this is what I've ended up with. Far from perfect, but these are dogs that barely know how to sit - let alone wait while annoy them and expect them to sit still. I'm so used to my own dogs being so compliant, it really takes patience to even get these guys to look in my direction. Studio style images are totally not my thing, but I'm really keen to paint my own backdrop next :eek:










Edited by huga
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Thanks Mita, that's really lovely of you to say :) SCARs ended up having a pretty decent adoption weekend, so that's good! Unfortunately though, most of the dogs I photographed are still there. It looks like Martha is back too :(

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