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Mac's Last Days


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Thank so much everyone - it means a lot. I've just picked up his anti-convulsants from the vet and given him his first dose. And boy am I looking forward to a better nights sleep. Masterchef and then bed!!

And it will be so nice to have him back on my bed where he belongs. Will report back again tomorrow. thumbsup1.gif

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Hi All,

Well I decided to go out in sympathy yesterday with a severe migraine - so my old boy and I both had the day in bed, both bombed out on our various drugs! It was lovely despite the pain.

The anti-convulsants aren't agreeing with him at all. They are making him even more ataxic and wobbly than usual - to the point that he can't walk for some hours after the dose kicks in.

So I've rung the vet this morning and we've stopped them until I can talk to the neuro vet in the morning (he was only on a half dose anyway and even that was really bombing him out). He's much brighter this morning without the medication. So I'll talk to the vet in the morining and go from there - but my instincts are that he's better off without them despite the risk of another seizure - and if that happens them I'll probably have to make a different decision anyway. But I'm interested in your thoughts. TIA smile.gif

Edited by westiemum
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It's so hard to make the quality/quantity decisions... my heart aches for you westiemum.

I would probably go the quality route if that's what agrees with Mac the best... and make whatever time he has left comfortable... pretty much what you are already doing, yes?

Please give Mac (and the rest of the gang) lovey cuddles from Aunty T...


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Thanks DD and Aunty T - he hasn't had the anti-convulsants this morning and he's much better - pottering around like his old self. So we all feel back on an even keel - gee its been a rough week. I'll talk to the vet tomorrow and go from there - but I suspect the answer is no seizure meds and back to what we were doing and see what happens if he seizes again. His quality of life on the anti-convulsants plummeted so I don't see much point in continuing on them.

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OK - I spoke with the vet morning - she offered a different type of anti-convulsant - but after some research I did overnight we've decided to see how he goes off the medication. And if he seizes again with poor recovery, he'll go to God. When he was on the anti-convulsants he was so bombed out on an initial half dose and so wobbly he couldn't walk.. Now he's off the drugs he's back on his feet and brighter - but I think he has a bit more cognitive knock-off - he's doing a lot of walking into walls.

But overall he's much better than earlier in the week. So I think its now a day by day proposition. Thanks everyone for your kind words and support. smile.gif

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Thanks Stressy, Caz and DD - he's off the anti-convulsants and back on his normal pain management, anti-reflux and AB - and he's pottering around and appears more with it. In fact I think its the perfect combination for him in his last days - keeps him comfy. He's also loved having his grandma here for a day or so as well - so I'm sure this perked him up too. smile.gif

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Thanks ness - the day is certainly coming - but I'm feeling calmer about it than I have in the past. He's had a marvellous life in the last almost ten years since he left THAT puppy farm - and I've given him every smidgen of care I possibly can. He'll go to God knowing he's cherished and he'll be there waiting for me!! A marvellous thought. smile.gif

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Gawd I thought he had gone when I saw you offering the drugs in General!

LOL! Sorry to alarm you Jules - but its become very clear very quickly that the Pexion didn't suit Maccles. And I didn't want an expensive drug to go to waste when someone else might benefit from it. Maces is still with us - hogging the gas log fire as he does most nights still wearing his Gallomph PJs. So all is well today. But as I said earlier I din't think it will be long now...

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Mac is so lucky to have you after that puppy farm

spoilt rotten indeed with his special cheese :)

I know when Tara had her dementia ( no seizures involved )

we tried a medication suggested by the vet and it actually made her worse

she had allready lost weight and this medication gave her the runs very badly to the point she was more lethargic , on speaking to vet we took her of them

she came back to as good as could be with better quality than she was on the tablets

When her quality was not there anymore , then she joined others at the Bridge

Sometimes they worry us so much thinking may not be long , then amaze us with their antics again


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