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Where To Get Raw Food From?


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Most pet barns sell BARF now although you might need to try a few brands to find one readily eaten by your puppy. There's some my dogs walk away from and some they eat straight away. I've only ever seen one marked as 'growth' so maybe keep an eye out or ring around first? I'm not 100% certain on the difference between growth and not though.

Others could probably tell you more about feeding raw in other ways.

Don't forget to make a gradual change from your puppies current diet to any new ones to avoid tummy upsets.

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I took a look at seven hills petshops website and it seems they have a great range and variety, unfortunately no price so ill go have a look in the near future! I'll also check out world for pets!

Thanks a lot guys!

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I took a look at seven hills petshops website and it seems they have a great range and variety, unfortunately no price so ill go have a look in the near future! I'll also check out world for pets!

Thanks a lot guys!

Prices on their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/sevenhillspetfood/photos/a.705158636208546.1073741829.655273624530381/908847085839699/?type=1&theater

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Hi Juice do you know if they use preservatives in the meat?

I think I will have to go to the Seven Hills Pet Food shop it looks like they have a great variety. I have found it quite hard to find decent raw meaty bones around the Hills district.

No preservatives in their chicken, turkey, beef etc.

Roo wherever you buy it will have some form of preservative in it.

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Thank you for the Facebook prices page. :)

It will be well worth the drive from the North to the South West to stock up as we have a big freezer and always buy in bulk. With three dogs in excess of 30kg it is more economical to buy in bulk.

At our local wholesale butcher today we payed $7.50/kg for quality coarse pet mince and $2.50/kg for dog bones. Ours have been on this from puppies, when old enough to eat.

Have to check with ' she who must be obeyed ' how much we pay for chicken carcass.

To buy bulk in variety is so appealing for our hounds. :)

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