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Vets Report Increase In Disease Amongst Brachycephalic Dogs


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There is much that I am not able to say on this forum but Im convinced that there is a way to get around the issues which are obstacles to change and for us to be able to show that we get it and we are able to show improvement for the welfare of the dogs.And quickly.

For a variety of reason I believe the ANKC is way behind the rest of the world and that this will see their members pay the price for that in the not too distant future

I'm more than happy with the strategies and registration requirements for each breed which we have developed which focus on what is best for the dogs and Im convinced there are enough purebred registered breeders who are not totally consumed with show rewards over and above all else that will take up the challenge.

If the culture continues on as it has always been since the current system began any thought that "its not us" will wash and not see laws made to restrict what is bred and how is simply crazy.

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just spotted this add for pedigree puppies with main or limit register available

obvious this photo of the cream/black parti it actualy does have a muzzle without the deep folds so there are dogs that could be used to select away from the ulra squashed face still to be found


compared to how short this one is


Not all brachy head breeds have the same problems as the BB

Have a look at the section of the breed standard for the French Bulldog and you can see why the puppies you found look good in comparison to a breed that has a standard that is like the one above.

french Bulldog My link

Head square in appearance and in proportion to dog’s size. Skull nearly flat between ears, domed forehead. The skin covering the skull and forehead should be supple enough to allow fine wrinkling when the dog is alert. Well defined muzzle, broad, deep and set back, muscles of cheeks well developed. Stop well defined. Lower jaw deep, square, broad, slightly undershot and turned up. Nose black and wide, relatively short, with open nostrils and line between well defined. Lips black, thick, meeting each other in centre, completely hiding teeth. Upper lip covers lower on each side with plenty of cushion, never so exaggerated as to hang too much below level of lower jaw.

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We need demonstrations of success to respond TO ..... And take responsibility for.

As long as the pedigree is 1st consideration to responsible breeding and the only one allowed by a breeding Org.,

Any success can only be measured against the pedigree.

No other values can contribute. That is a physical law.

The environment, or Market if you like, Has no responsibility to the pedigree. They/it can only respond to the dog in front of them. And all anyone can demonstrate is failure.

Under a ruling that tells its members "ethics" (or values) put a pedigree above all other considerations of value, those demonstrations of failure are assured.

The O.P is just one. Either its the environment/Market pointing out K.C failures, or the K.Cs members and supporters pointing out some other 'Groups' failures. Because "Ethics" MUST divide them. Conflict is written and will continue until theres nothing left to contend over. So two or more sides, assuring no other side can put forward a better example and without knocking it down.

That rule means the K.Cs alone can't meet the market/environments needs ...Not ever alone.

All I see is that rule has shaped the destiny of domestic dogs to be what it is. Governed by physics.

The effects it has had, even if it is no longer written, can only be reversed by a formal recognition that bias on the grounds of pedigree ALONE is not acceptable.

Its membership can not discriminate against another member breeder on grounds of breeding out side the pedigree system.

The purpose of the dog and the values that enhance that MUST be promoted above all else.

Or there is nothing for the environment/Market to support.

The market, or environment, WILL support what ever is most successful, as long as its value is demonstrated.

But it has to be shown for all to see. With out someone thinking they have to knock it down.

Thats not going to happen while we are all divided on lines of where we CAN find value.

Edited by moosmum
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