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Orthopedic Hock Brace Brisbane


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hello....My 13/5 year old male dog has fractured his hock.  It is an expensive operation I cannot afford,  does anyone know where i could get a brace made like this   https://www.mypetsbrace.com/dog-hock-brace-rear-leg.


at the moment it is splinted ..i happened 10 days ago... and i have been to my local vet and had xrays...apart from surgery solutions they have been unhelpful sadly...looking for a recommendation 100kms of postcode 2484 Murwillumbah NSW...Brisbane would be ideal...


Thank you for reading

any help appreciated




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This is a really tough situation for you. Any brace that you get made will require to be custom made. The off the shelf varieties are not going to be appropriate. 


Due to the age of your dog a very high degree of stability will be required for the bone to heal and depending on the situation a brace may actually make your dog more painful. 


Your vet should be able to chat to a surgeon about using a splint or brace to allow the bone to heal. There are also rehabilitation veterinarians who would also be happy to advise your vet.


Please don't try and DIY your dogs care because it can quickly become significantly worse. 



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