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Pet Exchange Register in Victoria effective 1st July 2019


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Hi All breeders and Rescue Groups in Victoria and those that sell puppies to and advertise in Victoria,


Apologies if this is common knowledge already, but


Pet Exchange Register
Victorian Government’s new online database, the ‘Pet Exchange Register’ comes into effect on the 1st July 2019.
From 1 July 2019, any person or business advertising, to sell or give away, a dog or cat will need to be ‘enrolled’ on the Pet Exchange Register. There is no requirement to enter details of cats or dogs that have been sold or given away prior to that date. Once enrolled, a ‘source number’ will be generated to identify each seller.
From 1 July, it will be an offence under Victorian law to advertise a dog or cat unless the advertisement includes the animal’s microchip number and the seller’s source number. Both the person selling, or giving-away, the pet and the publisher of the advertisement will face penalties if they fail to comply with the new regulations.
From the Agriculture Victoria website:
If you are a registered domestic animal business or voluntarily enrolled foster carer with your local council, there is no need to register as a source number will be provided to you before 1 July 2019 with instructions for use.
From 1 July 2019, it will be an offence to advertise a dog or cat for sale unless the advertisement includes the animal’s microchip number and the source number generated by the Register.
Offences apply to both the person selling the pet, along with the publisher that publishes a non-compliant advertisement.
From 1 July 2019, members of the public will be able to access limited information on the Register, regarding advertisers of dogs and cats.
This also includes interstate breeders who are advertising with the intent of reaching Victorian residents on sites such a DOL and Facebook.
Some more information:
Breeders cannot use their Dogs Victoria membership number in place of a PER number. Dogs Vic members must register as a recreational breeder and use their unique source number in advertisements.

The application fee for individuals enrolling on the PER is waived for the first 12 months. From 1 July 2020 it will be approximately $22. 

Source numbers are valid for 12 months and can be renewed every year. DABs and foster carers registered with councils are not required to pay a fee to enroll on the PER, as councils will enroll them. The PER will then allocate a source number, which will be valid for as long as the registration with council is valid.  


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