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Expert Offers Tips on Dog Attacks After Savage Attack on 4 Year Old Girl. ABC News16/1/25


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Off-lead areas still have rules as to their use. All off-lead animals must be under full control of their owners by law. Maybe certain off-lead areas might have rules rethought about the sharing of the space with small children - if the area is regularly used by small children, then maybe dogs should be on-lead in that area, or children could be excluded from that area. A little bit of common sense can see both groups catered to effectively.



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Is this true? I had not thought about it!! makes sense if so . 

"Dogs identify things by smell predominantly, and children under the age of eight haven't developed sweat glands yet, which means they do not smell like us.

"That rottie did not know that little girl was, in fact, just a tiny human."

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Never heard this before about the smell but have heard about kids yelling and running which the dog may not have been used to. 

Some people still think any sign of fear, which could be shyness or aggression, indicates the dog has been abused (aw, poor thing, we won't upset him by training him) rather than just unsocialised.

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3 hours ago, persephone said:

Is this true? I had not thought about it!! makes sense if so .


According to a Google search, the sweat glands that produce body odour smells (ammonia, etc) don't mature until a person hits puberty. Young children sweat, but it's just water and salt basically, so smells different to adult sweat.


Regardless, proper socialisation with humans of all ages during a pup's development should negate that factor as being a trigger to chase/bite children... but won't reduce bites due to other child interaction causes, like squealing, running about idiotically, or uncontrolled annoying of the dog by a child. Children need as much social education as dogs... probably more methinks.



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So few children have a clue how to interact with any animal these days.


one boy just couldn't keep still for a second. desperately wanted to pat the ponies but his wild movements scared them off.  had to get him to lay down and hold his own hands so they could come up and sniff him.  

to pat one told him to just hold his hand up and dont move it and sure enough one put its head against his hand and he finally understood, still and slow movement or they are gone in a flash.


as for kids and puppies

gee, new neighbours kids began screaming and tried to climb their mother when a chihuahua ran up to say hi...   no kidding

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Friend posted this on faceplant.


be warned, its very confronting.

does show a different way to make an attacking dog let go.  but doubt many of us would have this guys strength.  some suggested if it has a collar twist it might work?

( If the dog is male and not desexed, I well remember a friend who grabbed the attacking dogs testicles and twisted them. he let go immediately and ran screaming for home.  His owners made sure he never got out again. although he was entire because he was a show dog and used for stud.  after that incident he never sired another litter so I think Rita did some serious damage to his fertility.)


stunned they just let it go its own way at the end.

probably attack someone else, why not secure and impound it?



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