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Anna H

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Is there any news on when the K9 workshop is being held?

Hi all Perthies,

We're trying to get numbers up, so spread the word!! As Steve is located in NSW and we're aaaallllllll the way over here in Perth, we need more people than have so far showed interest, for it to be viable.

If we get enough interest and it does go ahead, at this stage we'd be looking at June...

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I'd be interested.... as long as it is okay for complete novices who know next to nothing (maybe he can dumb it down for me and I can sound out the words pho-net-i-cal-ly :laugh::( )...

Seriously, I love the relationship I have with my dogs, but thier obedience and my leadership need alot of work - especially recall - especially with the ridgie who suffers from selective hearing :rofl: I am watching the ecollar thread - very interesting...

Like RG I have no idea what training in drive is (glad you said first :( ).

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I'd be interested.... as long as it is okay for complete novices who know next to nothing (maybe he can dumb it down for me and I can sound out the words pho-net-i-cal-ly :o :D )...

Steve has a way of explaining things that really enables you to "get it" ;) Even if you don't understand at first, he'll change the analogy and it will just click. Trust me :rofl:

I'll put you down on the list ;) :laugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...
:( Dont want to sound like a broken record, but is there any more news on Steve visiting yet?

Perhaps we need a bigger bribe? :rofl: :D ;)

How many participants do we need for a workshop?

Do hope it goes ahead.


Sorry, juggling a few things at the moment!

I've put an ad out in other areas, as so far with just DOL, less than 20 ppl have said they're interested. No guarantee they would all attend, let alone attend both days - ideally, we need 20 people minimum on both days.

On my To Do list is to PM everyone on here who's said they're interested, get email addresses and send out as much info as we have for the moment.

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  • 2 months later...

I cant believe it took me so long to find this thread...............my dog has it been so long since theres been any news? :D

Is there any new news on when, where, how much?

Anything? :p :(:)


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