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  1. Nothing to add in regards to eggs for the dogs but instead of throwing eggs out feed them to the chooks its good for them too, just make sure that the shells are crushed up so they dont recognise them as eggs.
  2. Another thumbs up for Paw Prints :) We did ours in Subi but were ring in's for the first session at Osborne Park when that one started.
  3. Another vote here for the rotti. They have a great temperament, love their people but would be a visual deterrent. They are a slow maturing dog physically but very smart and good to train.
  4. We are currently going through an issue with the hypocracy of cat vs dog laws (ie. cats can do what they please and cat owners who take no responsibility for their cats, and yes I know that there are exceptions). So the cat being attacked by a dog and a $600 vet bill is "newsworthy"? And people get up in arms about the nasty vicious dog? How about the rottweiler, yes thats right a rotti, on lead on a walk in a suburban street with its owner who is walking away from two cats and then is ambushed by them unprovoked? Happened to us a week ago and so far the vet bill is at around $450 with the dog on 2 types of antibiotics and anti-inflamatories and she has to have another follow up vet visit so that bill will increase. The response from the cat owner when I informed her of the attack and the first initial vet bill of $234....."Bloody rediculous" and then she walked off (and I was polite at the time). Our council ranger is being very good about it but they dont have the laws set up to do a lot about these cats who I have since found out have previously attacked another dog and are described by neighbours as "territorial" "very aggressive" and "vicious". As a dog owner I have a raft of rules that I have to abide by as a responsible pet owner, I hate that cat owners arent held equally to account for their pet. PS. I'm not saying that the dog in the article is innocent, if it was offlead and roaming that obviously is not right just highlighting the double standard in the laws and requirements for responsibility between cat and dog ownership. I KNOW that had our roles been reversed and it was the rotti attacked the cat (she's a sweetheart and wouldnt do that and wouldnt be allowed in a position to do that) we'd be in all kinds of trouble.
  5. Quite topical that this comes up today. Vector the police dog died yesterday (link) so has been in the news.
  6. J. we are in Perth and went to classes run by Paw Prints http://www.pawprintspettraining.com.au/ They are qualitifed dog trainers and in the classes we attended did not do the "free for all" play session, puppy play was 2 puppies at a time. Oh I should add that to begin with my puppy was very shy and they didnt push the interaction, letting her progress as she felt comfortable.
  7. It would be heartbreaking to lose one beloved pet let alone two. I hope that she gets them back.
  8. This poor rotti has managed to do a runner from his fosters in the Joondalup area, he's only been out of the pound for 2 days. Please keep an eye out for him FB link
  9. Cant go by a rotti lovefest! Glad to see that mine isnt the only lounge hog
  10. Glad to hear that you have moved out of that situation, your poor dog must have been so confused and frustrated by your housemates. I have an 8 1/2 month old rotti and she's very social, LOVES her family and always wants to say hello to everyone on our walks. I know mine would have absolutely hated being shut outside, having her toys taken away and being generally ignored. Its no wonder your baby is lashing out. She needs consistency and training so if you can find an obedience class near you that would be a huge benefit. Be sure to reward good behaviour, we keep some treats in a handy spot in our lounge room so that when she's doing the right thing it can be reinforced quickly.
  11. What no rottis yet? Gotta a love a rotti tail! These are about 4 months old, none of her recent photos really show her tail.
  12. Surely if this letter has been tabled then there is opportunity for members and specific breed bodies to submit their own response to the letter before a decision is made. A strong (and well reasoned) backlash against it should have at least some influence on the decision.
  13. We are doing Sue Ailsby's training levels and I have the new version on Kindle
  14. Poor dog, I hope he got home ok. I probably would have called the ranger so that they could keep an eye out for him.
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