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Posts posted by Bindibu

  1. Yes the Springer work great. Has a safety device so that if something happens the clip breaks - made of plastic. A supply of for clips supplied with the Springer. Good Idea as I was worried if something happened, like I fell off , could the dog get away from the bike unhurt etc.

  2. Well said Anita I agree 100% with your post. We should all learn something new everyday and we do up until the day we die so in a way we are all newbies to dog training etc.

    I have never met an expert/professional in dog training (I have over 30 years involvement in dogs,showing, breeding and in my new field - obedience ) who know ALL there is to know about dogs. I have met many people who have a great understanding of dogs and train to a very high standard and are willing to share this knowledge with anyone who is interested.

    What I am trying to saying is that we are all different and have different ideas BUT we can learn from everyone if we keep an open mind and not knock people who are doing what they love with their dogs either it be obedience, herding, tracking etc.

  3. Have fun, am sure you will all enjoy yourselves, we started in July, after Sunday we will be having a rest for a while as too hot even at 7.00am. :)

    Too hot for me in September. But will come up when it cools off a bit. Sorry I missed you last time. Indi has not done anything since September.

  4. Thanks MrsD 400 metre radius sounds pretty good. I have to find what is available here, electric collars are I think illegal so the BigDog thingy might be too:(Sean has met most of my pack and could see stress levels whilst Souxie the foster dog was here. They relaxed a lot after her but certainly need a break now.

    Ahhhh I didnt know that electric collars were banned down there (when are they EVER going to make uniform rules about stuff like that?), my advice is pretty well worthless then, sorry :laugh::scared: .

  5. Your situation is a two way matter. First, If the club was aware of the danger that dogs off lead could cause injury to another dog competing, and this was made clear to the Club orginisation, than the Club is liable as they are required to exercise a "duty of Care" to all competers. (Some Clubs are requiring competitors to sighn a waver of responsibility, these waivers are not worth the paper they are witten on). Two if the owner was in neglect than you can claim medical expenses via Civil Action throught the Local Courts Civil Claims jurisdiction.

    We are in the age of beware because you can be sued for lack of duty of care. It is becoming more common for people to not be responsible for their actions etc.

  6. Okay guys here is one for you! The Club I train with has an instructor (instructed for a number years with this particualar Dog Club) whom has never entered a dog in a Trial/Show, own dogs not even trained to CCD Level . My question is how on earth could this person pass on knowledge about training dogs to beginners in the field of dog obedience? Learning something from a book is no qualification to call oneself an Instructor it should come down to ability and proven ability. Thats what I think .

  7. Well done all! HT NEXT.

    I didnt get to met you all whilst in Qld. I enjoyed Steven and Renees Clinics very much (but the Qld weather could have been a little kinder, rained Thursday and Thursday night it rained so hard that Friday was a wash out). Saturday and Sunday were great, Indi turned on, made me out to be a big fibber. I told about how she was turned off ,t a previous Clinic and hid amount the sheep. Well Sunday it was full on. I would like to do another Clinic soon but the heat (34) really effect us both (still -3 to 10 down here).

  8. Someone suggested getting a private trainer - "you only get what you have paid for". Live in the country where there are no professional trainers only your local dog training club you would soon find it impossible to obtain private training. The nearest professional trainer would be about 4 hours travelling<one way> with an overnight stay.

    If there are any professional obedience dog trainers willing to give private lesson (or a weekend school ) please email me and I will arrange a Clinic. Big town people ar sooooooo lucky.

  9. I have a better story - 12 months ago I entered the beginners class obedience, having never done dog obedience in my life. The instructor I had refused to teach anyone with a check chain or martingale collar - said I dont know how to teach people who have that kind of gear on their dogs. Guess what I had , yes a martingale collar - so for the next 8 weeks I was ignored, not actually thrown out of the class but ignored

    So I trained at home with the help of a good friend. Graduation Day came and my dog worked the best in the group, but guess what happened, yes the so called instructor refused me a pass ( I now hold the record of the only person in the Club haveing not Graduated from Beginners.. But sanity prevailed and the then President of the Club awarded me a pass (after eveyone else had left) as she was ashamed of what had happened.

    I competed in my first trial three weeks ago , after only 12 months obedience experience, - but unfortunatley my dog sat in the long waits - gone, done and out.

    Last week I attended the Clubs training day and guess who was a member of the beginners class - yes the so called instructor I had 12 months previously . Still in beginners and has never trialed - Guess who had a huge smile on their face - yes me.

  10. My dog will not play with anything (I have a dog toy shop at home you name it I have it). It has taken me two months to get her to hold the dumb bell - No dinner until you take hold give and she does that in about 1 second. (every seen a dog spit a dump bell). So I am very open to suggestions or do I keep going the way I am. We are about to do our CCD . First time in obedience ring heaven help us.

  11. Mooper, the GSDs are doing great in herding - Judy Attwater's Registered GSD was one of the first GSD in NSW to obtain a Herding Title, and four other registered GSDs in the New England Area have their HIC's. Have a look in the Victorian Herding Assoc. website as all results are placed on that Web. it is very interesting.

  12. I want to take Perry up to Armidale to see the woman who saved her from being shot on the farm. Can anyone recommend any dog friendly accommodation where she will be allowed inside? We need not only acommodation in or close to Armidale but also en route. The route I take will depend on the availability of suitable accommodation - basically there is an inland route via Dubbo, a coastal route via Central Coast/Maitland.

    All suggestions gratefully received.

    I have a great book called Holidaying with Dogs by willie Bedford and in that there is one place in Armidale NSW that allows dogs insideBe-ambolong cattage and farm stay - 5 minutes from town (fenced) 02 67712019- allowed inside, prior arrangement only.

    This may help, good luck

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