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Posts posted by tendayi

  1. Years ago we were in your position with a 7 month old brittany puppy. I had the puppy xrayed and seen by a specialist who diagnosed the puppy as being dysplastic.To have this puppy operated on will cost several thousand dollars and several weeks in a crate and being walked on a lead.

    Have you tried contacting Dr Rawlinson and explaining the situation to him and see if he will score the hips for you.

    Another option is to send him back to the breeder and see if they will replace him or give you your money back. My breeder did.

  2. Yes it is Bisart, but that is something for the bitch owner to determine not something the stud dog owner can help :) . That probably wasn't worded all that well but if I had a choice of two similar dogs with similar lines and one had proved it could still do the traditional work of the breed and the other couldn't it's really a no brainer for me. Although I am in a 'dual' breed where working ability must be maintained or we will end up being a split breed, with show and working lines like too many other gundog breeds.

    Given it's now come out the OP has Poodles it's probably not that relevant a comment now. :)

    "Pedigree - the most important thing to consider when choosing a stud dog." Yes, I agree but also look at the conformation of the dog and bitch. I have used full brothers over the same bitch and the puppies were very different.

  3. i agree with jsut about everything above!! u also need to remember that ridgies are a large breed so ideally should be left entire till they are done growing... however having 2 entire males together may be interesting... i have no experience here but it maybe an idea to get in contact with a good trainer or club in your area and take them seperatly... ask lots of questions and make sure u have a strong pack!!!

    Ridgebacks are easy dogs to train especially if they are food motivated. They do became bored very quickly so 5 mins here and there is enough to start off with. The problem with taking 2 puppies from the same litter is imo that they tend to form a bond with each other and not with their humans. I would separate them when you can and train them separately ( I have kept 2 puppies from the same litter). Try and find a trainer or club that clicker trains and change thing round when training and make training exciting for the puppies. ( I have trialled RR's in obedience)

    I have a friend who had one of the only 2 RR's in Australia with an AOC ( when you had to do tracking ) and she was trained with food. Good luck with your puppies.


  4. Does anyone know if the DAP collars or other brands of pheromone collars are available in Australia?

    I have seen them for sale in the US and UK, but no Australian stores seem to have them and the nurses at my vet clinic haven't heard of them.

    My GSDx suffers from anxiety including fear aggression of other dogs and excessive barking when we are not at home. I am getting the DAP diffuser for the house and some Rescue Remedy, but I love the sound of the collar as it sounds the perfect solution for him when we are not at home and he isn't inside and when we are out on our daily walks.

    Thanks :)


    The collars are available thru Dr Cam Day, 59 Fairfield Rd, Fairfield.



  5. Last year one of my dogs was bitten on the end of his tail by a white spider. He was crying in pain and was chewing on the end of his tail and really made a mess. He was started on pain relief and antibiotics and we didn't think the hair would grow back but it did. I do know of a dog that ended up having what was left of his tail amputated after being bitten by a white spider. Apparently the bites are extremely painful.


  6. I certainly wouldn't reccommend the barnyard tuff toys ( pink pig and sheep) as my then 6 month old schipperke puppy ripped holes in the pink pig and my 8 month old brittany puppy pulled the sheep apart. They sound good in theory but aren't worth the money and I certainly couldn't find several layers in mine.

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