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Posts posted by AUS-STAFF

  1. My dog is anti-social towards other dogs and therefore is not suited to a club and won't be accepted anyway. What are my other options? Books? Internet?

    why would ur dog not be acepted at a dog obedience club, plenty of anti social dogs at the dog training i attend, and im still curious as to wether u are still rehoming this dog ?

    I don't think her anti-social behaviour is something that she can be trained out of. So all I have to do is control. I am going to hold on to her for as long as I can. If the right home comes along I may let her go.

  2. Hello,

    I want to get my dog obedience trained. I only know of three centres: Sydney dog training, and Guard dog training centre and PETS training centre. Has anyone dealt with these centres before? Would you recomend one of them? Do you have another place you'd recomend?

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